For Jillian news, I think jillian is starting to tell us she wants to be potty trained. I don't know if 21 months is too early, but she is pretty insistent. First, she started telling us when she was going to poop and then immediately after yelling poopie, poopie and running to her room to be changed. I have been fighting her to change her diaper for at least the last 6 months so this is a big change. She also is constantly taking off her diaper- and its dry. So, maybe that will be a july goal - hopefully she will be all potty trained by next february- cause diapers for 2 would be very $$$!!!
Also, the "terrible twos" are definitely starting early. She can be so nice one minute and the next she is hitting, screaming, on the floor dragging herself- crazy toddler tantrum in full effect. It can be from something as simple as not turning the page on her book fast enough!! Its so hard not to react to her but I know that's what she wants. So, the neighbors probably think we keep her caged up or something with all the screaming!!!!
Miss Jillian also had a wonderful 4 days with her Aunty Shannon and Kyle and the Celusta's. She got a bunch of toys as usual - which she loved- and had so much fun. She definitely likes to be the center of attention!!! Can't wait to see you all again in 8 weeks!!!!