Monday, March 30, 2009

You had me at your first smile...

Yeah I got a double chin, so what, i'm still really cute!
So the smiles started this last week, but its so hard to get a pic! by the time the camera finally takes a picture, the smile is gone!

otherwise today at my 6 weeks check up the nurse said to me, while im on the scale no less, oh wow is this a mistake, you had a 11 pound baby?? NO, what is it with you people, about a month after jillian was born i got a call from the hospital wondering if their was a mistake with her birth date or weight. NO she was 9.5 lbs at 36 weeks. I have big kids ok!! Maybe you shouldn't have waited to induce me till 2 days before me due date huh??

oh ya, just put away the 3-6 month clothes, yup my 6 week old is in 6 month and 6-9 month stuff! It is baggy, but lenghtwise- perfect. and lisa was worried my kid would still be in 0-3 when hers was born the end of may! ha! i think by fall her and jillian will be wearing the same size!!

Miss you already.....

We will have to get some pictures of aunty cindy in a couple weeks when we come visit!!! I'm gonna fire my photographer! ha!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Birthday and A Baptism

The Godparents Our Family
The little angel
Me and my baby girl
Yesterday was my birthday and Olivia's baptism, and it was my best birthday by far! Miss Olivia did really good, no crying, I don't think she felt the water on her head with all that hair!! Miss Jillian spent the service coloring in back, sitting still for an hour just isn't her thing! We won't forget the weather for sure, spring snowstorm, will summer ever come???

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Play time

2 1/2 year old style
almost 6 week style

Monday, March 23, 2009

Today in Pictures

How Daddy does hair
Thanks Aunty E!
Workin the Mohawk
I think we got blue/gray eyes, O My! Something of me!
Today was a lazy Monday around here. Olivia slept 6 hrs last nite, after about 5 nites of less than 3hrs increments, so it was much appreciated!! Tomorrow I am getting my hair done, only been since beginning of November, ahh the roots!! Can't wait for Friday- Aunty Shannon and Cindy coming to visit from Ohio, sure wish we all lived closer! Olivia and Jillian are counting the days to meet Mr. Carson!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Divide and conquer

Thanks Aunty JerriShe loves cars

Her cute new friend
Today i had a baby shower for a girl from work, and if i didnt bring the baby i don't think they would have let me in the door, but of course i knew leaving the house would not be easy with miss jillian. So, ryan took her to stonefire for daddy lunch date. I think from now she will be happy when i leave with just olivia!!

Other exciting news, we got a new couch last week, after 9 years with uncomfortable ones, only to find this new couch- even more uncomfortable. Both our backs are throbbing. Luckily steinhafels has a 30 day return policy, so we went today and got different stuff. Hopefully it comes this week, or i will be a nervous wreck saturday at olivias baptism, hoping no one ruins the couch we are returning!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Fancy Friday

Jillian would like to thank aunty erin for her pink xmas dress, she wears it every day. I don't know how much it cost, but she's definately got her money out of it!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Snugglin' Sisters
Already telling Mom how it is
Happy girl after gymnastics

Today I took miss sassy pants to open gym at the place she has her gymnastics class. Well, there were like 50 kids there, needless to say, alot less sassy and alot more shy. She kept talking about how she luves class and her teacher, so i guess i will keep trying to go. Just seeing her in her leotard is worth it, so cute!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The 5 hr mark!

Whoo hoo- Miss olivia finally slept for 5 hrs straight last nite, it was fantastic! hopefully its not a fluke!! She is on her 3rd set of bottles- dr browns- which seem to be helping with her gas, poor thing. She aslo went back to similac, she was getting a nasty rash from the other stuff- both girls got daddies blood type and sensitive skin. Otherwise she is starting to be awake for more than just eating, she loves that einstein playmat thing, which jillian hated. So glad all the toys are getting a nice rotation!!

Jillian became the exorcist at gymnastics yesterday. She just wants to run around and play with everything. Its pretty structured, stretching, balance beam, bars and tumbling. Since she's never been to daycare or a class i knew it would be a hard adjustment. I just hate yelling at her the whole time- so the teacher suggested we go to open gym on thurs mornings- if she likes that more, im gonna ask them if we can go to that this spring, than try a class in summer/fall. My headstrong diva has never been easy to adjust to anything new, I always have to take my time with her. I guess a better fit would have been a play group, hopefully open gym will be more like that.

I got so excited with the weather yesteray i finalized all my seed/plant selections from burpee!! Yes, i am a true dork, i will be the old lady with a green house in her backyard!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

When grocery shopping sounds fun...

Yesterday- on her favorite thing at the park
Baby O suprised face
Baby O deep thinking face
I knew I needed to get out of the house today, when i got really excited to make a grocery list. ya, pretty bad. I haven't gone since before xmas, ryans been going. so, Jillian went to grandma barbs today and me and olivia had a baby/mom day. We went to michals, post office, target and sendiks, needless to say, after 15 mins at the store, it wasnt so exciting! But it was nice to get out, especially with the child who sleeps the whole time!! And the weather, how does 53 feel so warm???

Friday, March 13, 2009

Future BF's

A year from now we will look back and wish they sat this nice!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

1 month

Look at those little legs a moving!

Can't believe a month ago today I just had a baby!! This has definately been the fastest, most exhausting month of my life. This week in particular- not only did ryan go back to work, he went out of town! They days aren't so bad, its the nights, jillians been waking up when the baby does, one's crying from gas, ones crying about daddy being gone- its super fun! This morning when jillian got up at 5am and wanted to watch george, i didn't even try to get her back into bed, just turned him on and went back to bed myself! Saturday we have to be down in Chicago by 10am, so hopefully I can get the circus all fed, washed and ready to leave here by 730am- and they sleep the way down so i can too!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Little Tumblina

Today Jillian had her first gymnastic class! She could not wait to put on her leotard, in fact its all I have heard about since last Thursday when i bought it!! A friend I went to high school with and her daughter ended up being in the class, so that was fun cause they are the same age. Her favorite part of the class was the uneven bars! She didn't want to stretch out, but everyone said the first couple classes they don't listen that good, hopefully she becomes a model student!! Afterwards we went shopping to kohls to get a new pair of shoes, her feet grew like overnite from a 8 to a 10!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The curls are here...

So, yesterday when leah and family came over, she said olivia's hair wasnt straight, and i was thinking "uh huh its just greasy now." Well, this morning after her bath, holy cow, the curls are here! So sorry leah, u were right :-) I was starting to wonder about this kid though, Ive got curly hair, and anybody who knew ryan in high school knows he had a mini fro, so whats up with the little one? Guess she just likes to make me wait........ Least she is sleeping good lately, 2- 4 hr shifts at night, i'm feeling less zombie like these days!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rainy Day Random Thoughts

Toddler Burrito

So, I was really hoping to not have to buy a double stroller. but yesterday when we went to the park, i realized there is no way jillian will ride her bike, or walk, to and from there, she still wants to ride home in the stroller. They are so expensive, ugh. hopefully i can find one at a rummage soon. I wore olivia in the baby bjorn for our walk yesteray, but not sure how long i can walk a couple miles with her in that- she's a little heavy!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

3 Weeks!!

I need some rain boots Tryin to get the hang of this...
Nothings on Tv during the day!
My baby is 3 weeks old today!!! What a nice day outside- finally! miss Jillian could burn off some energy outside!! yah!! Olivia is doing good, we had to switch her formula, she had some "gas" issues, now she seems to be alot better. Today I had to put away all her 0-3 month clothes, she fits in 3 months outfits and 3-6 perfect!! And I was worried Jillians summer clothes would be to big for her!! She is awake and alert so much now, so amazing 3 weeks ago she was just born! Her eyes are still blue- Jillians were always greeny brown, i wonder what color they will end up? And her hair! its getting alot lighter-and longer, and so straight- will be weird to have a kid with straight hair, no snarls though!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

2 cuties

Guess who slept in her crib the last 2 nites?? So glad its finally gettin used!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The big 3-2

Someone had a good birthday

So, Ryan had a good birthday, it lasted until like 330am sunday I heard! Jillian could not wait to give him his robot cake, seriously, she dug into it before i could get a picture. 32 and 2 kids! Crazy!

It's Potty Time

Baby Mohawk
Get me out of these diapers PLEASE!So, for the last 3 weeks Jillian has been going potty a handful of times each day. We have not been asking her or anything, obviously a little busy with baby O, she just does the potty dance and says i gotta potty and we put her on it. So, now I would like to "push" the potty training so we get to fully trained, well probably not overnite for awhile, but all day at least. So, how do i do that? i dont want her to regress by pushing her, but i figure nows a great time with me home and her into the big potty to work on it. Anyone have any potty tips or stories for me? REALLY want to buy diapers for one!!!