Monday, August 31, 2009

Some photo shoot pics

so we got our photos back today from our shoot last saturday- im pretty happy- lots of cute ones. trying to sort through- 104 pics- so here are a few of my faves so far... i can't upload the color pics- when i do they are like neon colored- anyone know why or how to fix?? they look fine when i click on them but upload all funky??

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Up North Adventure

Ready for the beach!
How does stephanie do it??
Wild Ones
Sand Butt
We were up north this weekend with the schuttens- it was alot fun- crazy with 4 kids!!!
Miss Olivia is officially crawling- and pulling herself up!! She is one baby in a hurry to move!! She's eating good to- so far she's had peas, squash and tomorrow starts zucchini! Next its sweet potatoes and fruit!!
Jillian is her usually charming self- miss bossy with Ethan- I think she will either end up a drill Sergeant or a teacher- something where she runs the show for sure!!
Last day of august!! Feels like September out anyways!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

If at first you don't succeed...

Ahoy mates! Where are we mom?
There's fish on the floor!
Finally! trees her size!
Perfect day
So yesterday it was so nice out, me and erin decided to take the girls to the zoo. Of course after nap time we didnt head out till like 1130- and i knew it was zoo ala carte, but i thought how big can that be. Apparently its huge~ we didnt even get off the freeway off ramp, we had to wait like 15 mins just to exit! we would have sat there for hours!! Not fun, so we went to discovery world- it was so nice out to be out by the lake- jillian loved it, even olivia was fascinated by the fish!! Cannot believe its $16.95 to get in tho- little pricey.
tommorrow nite we have preschool open house! my big girl!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And all i got was some lousy peas!

You dont' wear your princess dress on monday? If only they would always play so nice...
Just gimme the spoon!
Not so sure about these peas
6 months stats: 18 lbs (95%), 27 3/4 (97%), so she caught up to Jillian height wise but still 1.5 lbs less. She has only gained 7 lbs in 6 months, Jillian gained 10!! She loved her shots, ha! ya rite. Jillian has chosen her profession, she is going to be a baby doctor, she said she would love to give shots! The doctor even gave her a throat stick, or her "magic" get well stick, as she calls it!
Olivia got her first veggie Sunday, peas, i bought a book when i was pregnant to make home made baby food. I have to say it does taste really good compared to the jarred stuff. I figure when shes like mom, why did Jillian have 25 photo albums and scrapbooks in her first 2 yrs and i have like 1 album, i will be like sweetie, but i fed your sister the evil jarred food and made u homemade food! I'm sure that will end all sibling feuding :-)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

State Fair

1st state fair!
Whee hee!

Our new friend Ollie
The cows are my favorite
No, the pigs are!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Milestone Bonanza Day!!

Watch out world- here i come!!
This morning Miss Olivia awoke with her 2nd tooth- another bottom one! I kind of thought she was getting one last nite, usually she eats her bottle and goes to bed at 7pm, and last nite she was fussing and stayed up till like 8pm. But, not bad compared to the week of 3am wakings we had with the 1st toother!!

Today she also sat up alone!! All the sudden i looked over during dinner, she was on her blanket on the grass, and she was just sitting there!! I guess this morning grammy looked over and the same thing happened, Olivia was just sitting there like a little Buddha!! This baby is crazy! I think its so funny, cause I had to be induced, she sure didnt want to come out then, but now its like she can't move from one stage to the next fast enough!!

i also added a link to some Jamaica pictures - Jimmy's cousin went to to the resort the weddings will be at last June. Looks Amazing- 312 days!!! Can't wait!!

All the way from Kansas!

Jillians and Olivia's Great Aunt Kathy and Uncle Ned came to visit today, all the way from Kansas! Jillian had a blast, they brought her a bunch of dress up outfits from her cousin Kiersten and she loved them. She is currently sleeping with her pearl necklace, earrings and butterfly wings on. She walked perfectly in her princess heels, she sure doesnt get that from me!! It was really good to see them, hopefully we can get down to visit them and all our cousins down there soon!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

6 months old!

I cannot believe my baby is 6 months old today!! Where has the time gone? I wish i had a rewind button, or slow motion button at least, just too fast. Today I was writing out jillians 3rd! birthday invites and I felt like i just wrote out the 2nd bday ones!!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Tough life
Sister relaxin time
on the move-kickin' like crazy!

enjoyin summer
what to do on a hot/humid weekend, with 2 wild little girls? why swim of course!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The water makes her CRAZY!!!

Yea, I'm cute and I know it
That's right, i'm winking at you!
Can anybody hear me???
I'm the funniest!!
Sitting still for 5 seconds
Olivia is so wild when i give her a bath- i gave jillian a bath in the baby tub over the kitchen sink till she was almost 1!! I can hardly get a diaper on wild woman- she's going to the ducky tub stat!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

the playground project is complete

1 VERY happy little girl, and 1 baby girl who loves watching her sister swing!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

sleepy head

last nite before bed i remembered i had left olivia's window open, so i went in there to close it. she was sleep ing so cute, i had to take a picture! It's exactly the way i sleep, my hands tucked under, on my belly, but my butt isn't in the air! what a little cutie, even when she's sleeping!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Weekend Wrap-up

"learning" to walk agian
Sister play time
Why my smiling?
My sister is so funny!!
We had a good weekend, I still cannot believe it is august!! Summer has flown, faster than usual. Saturday me, the girls and aunty E went to caden's 4th birthday party!! I feel like it was yesterday i went VERY pregnant with Jillian to his first!! The girls had alot of fun, check out connors blog for pics, cause i forgot my camera! Ryan and Jimmy tackled "the playground project", got about 1/2 done, all thats up is the top fort area and the ladder, and jillian played on it all day today. So, she is gonna be occupied forever when its all up!
today we just were outside all day, ryan working on the playground, olivia laid on a blanket, i did some weeding, it was just a perfect day. Olivia was back to a morning/afternoon nap today, yesterday she slept a total of 45 mins from 8am to 630pm! I gave her a bottle at 630pm and she slept till 730am- so it was kind of nice, but i missed those naps- 2 kids all day nonstop is little headache!!
Jillian is doing so good, i'd say she is all potty trained. We have to stop all the time now for her when we are on the road, starbucks, gas stations, i swear the minute we leave (after i've asked do u have to go potty?) she says "i have to go pee now mommy!" I think we will be stopping alot, if it means no more poopy diapers i'm all for that!! Miss Jillian is going to preschool this fall- we signed her up for the only place that will take her- cause she's not 3 sept 1st. We know another little girl, Madisen, who goes there and she likes it so i'm sure jillian will- hopefully the adjustment period won't be two hard. She will go 2 days a week, 9-1130am, and if she likes it i'll do more days. She starts sept 14th!! My big girl!!