Saturday, September 26, 2009

Party Pretty

Shhhhh dont let Chris see! "Cops and Robbers"
Pretty in Pink
Biggie and shortie
So big
Snugglin Sisters
Today we went to connor's 1st bday party!! Jillian had so much fun- especially with Connor's cousins, Mitchell and Ian, and Madisen, Caden- they played outside the whole time! Happy bday Connor!!

Final Swim of the Season???

Air Temp 66
Water Temp 78
Happy 3 Year old, Priceless!

(She is pretending to be sleeping)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Birthday Pic's

Order please?
Make a Wish...

We all went to StoneFire on her Birthday for Lunch.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Can she really be 3!?!

3 years old

2 years old
1 year old

7 hours old

Oh, there is nothing like your first born child! Our lives completely changed the minute Jillian Marie entered our world at 5:20am September 22nd, 2006. Everything revolved around her, we spent hours watching her sleep, listening for every noise, waiting for every facial expression, taking a million pictures! Ryan arranged her pictures by the week, up until 4 months- we had probably 200 pictures a week!! My shy little baby became a shining star, I definitely think she will be in drama, she loves to perform! In her bath she has little plays with the toys, and tells me what to say- a little director! She is funny, strong willed, stubborn and has a memory you can't believe. You can never say anything to her you don't mean, she will bring it up, days later, and believe me- you better not have been fibbing! This last year she has changed the most, and its definitely been the hardest for me, cause its losing the babyness, and once its gone, its gone. We were driving to the store Saturday, and I had no diaper bag, just her singing in the background. I remember i use to just hope she would be good, and not throw a tantrum or poop or whatever, and now, all the sudden, its just me and her- my buddy. The baby is at home with daddy, the little girl, my sweet Jillian is with me, in her big girl car seat with the big girl underwear on and carrying her purse. She is 3, and I am so proud to be her mom.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Funday

Ready for the game!
The masterpieces
Van Gogh in process
Time for a quick smile

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Time is a Flyin'

Phew mommy your feet smell!
Yup I''m tryin to walk
Crawlin is so 2008 mom!
Not in the mood for pictures
Little Angel
I can't believe how fast these weeks are going!!! The girls are both good- busy busy!!
Jillian is on day 4 of her new bedtime routine- the girl who never took naps from 1 yr on- and i can't even count how many people have said to me "does she ever stop moving" (answer no) finally started to crash this last month. We get up at 615 am everyday now with olivia- she is like a little alarm clock. Jillian would always go to bed early during the week, and if she was tired ryan would let her sleep in and take her later to grammys, then sleep in a little sat/sun, but not anymore. So, she's been having alot of afternoon meltdowns, so we decided to move her bedtime to 7pm- books, snuggling, lights out 730pm. Wow- made a huge difference- she actually walked to her room last and said mommy i'm so tired, time for bed!!! Tonite it was bed at 645pm!!! whoo hoo!!
Olivia continues to be crazy- she is like walking sideways around the ottoman and table, and letting go one or both arms and standing there. She's been keeping barb busy to- crawled to the top of her steps! 8 steps! Time for gate i guess! She also loves to hold your hand and "walk", im figuring by thanksgiving this kid will be walking. She is the best little sleeper ever- 2 naps, 12 hrs a nite, we really got lucky- this time!! Tomorrow its asparagus for her- i know its super nerdy- but im really getting into this baby food making stuff. She eats it all up- she will be a veggie lover if its the last thing i do!!!
I've been working out/ trying to eat decent for 5 weeks now- Jamaica put me into high gear- and i've lost 9lbs!! whoo hoo. only 900 to go!!! ha, ha! My sister forced me to sign up for a class called "body shock", so if this is my last post- its cause i've probably collapsed and am laying on the gym floor- my body will be in shock!! last organized class i took was with leah at the Y before my wedding- step areobics!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Failure to launch

This way mommy!!
So, Jillian is suppose to start school tomorrow, but we decided to wait a little longer. When i first brought up going to school in may, she was super excited, but the last 2 weeks that excitement has been turned off. When i ask her now if she wants to go to school, she says "mommy i'm to little to go to school, i stay with grandma!" So, considering this is pre 3k (next fall is 3k, 2 years for 4 k) i really dont want to force her to go and scar her-i called the school and she can start any month- so i will keep asking her, and im sure soon it will change, if not we try next fall!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Birthday Bash

Aunty and the birthday girl
Pinata Madness
Mmm Cakey
All her friends
hey, its my 7 month bday today!
Today was Jillian's 3rd birthday party- she had a blast!! We had a pool party at gramma Barb's house, the weather was unbelievable- 3 years in a row!!! Jillian has so much fun with all her friends and family- i LOVE her birthday in sept- she gets a whole winter wardrobe every year!! Thanks to everyone for coming to celebrate Jillians 3rd birthday!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Now, that's what i'm talking about!

Ariel and Jillian at the zoo
This goat is crazy
Daddy and J
Me and Miss O
This is what i'm dealing with!
Do I lower the crib all the way for a 6 month old?!?
we went to the zoo today- a million times better- there were no people there- no one to wave to on the train tho- it was great!! For once we saw every single animal there i think- no crowds!
Poor ryan, he came home and stepped on an inch long piece of glass- which we have no idea where it came from. we had been home like an hr- all walked through the kitchen lots of times, and he even vacuumed! freaky- can u imagine if jillian had stepped on it or olivia crawled on it! oy!Jillian said the grumpy troll left it- that troll is BUSY- he leaves toys laying around, leaves the fridge open- whats the deal troll?

Friday, September 4, 2009

why am i still awake???

sghetti stache
Actually sitting for a second with aunty
Hi mom!
i think someones super excited to have the next 4 days off!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ducky Time

Fun for all!
Rockin a mohawk
Catching flies
Olivia is crazy- she is crawling from one end of the house to the other- i can't take my eyes off her. She is pulling herself up on fun things like potted plants and the bath tub- i'm pretty sure she will be the kid with the bruise on her head always. I really am not ready for this!!