Sunday, May 31, 2009

Back to the Grind

All this work talk makes me sleepy
Oh Mommy, i love to whine, i'll help you
Back to work tommorrow, i am sad :-( Hopefully I can talk my boss into working part time till labor day:-) Maybe somebody did my work the last 5 months, ya rite! My first monday since january 26th!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

It's Quiet at the Zoo

Am I crazy? No, well maybe a little. But Jillian is so good at the zoo, no tantrums, sassiness, its wonderful! Olivia just sleeps, apparently the zoo isn't too exciting laying down. My last Friday off!!! ahhhh back to work Monday! I will definitely miss my girls but i know they are the best hands and will have so much fun all day. I'm mostly not looking forward the the early morning routine, i hate morning's- but now with 2 i can't get up 15 mins before work and let ryan do it all- darn it!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Play Time

Today we went to visit baby brynn and caden. Jillian and caden play like brother and sister- every toy is war!! Brynn was so little and cute- Olivia was like giant baby compared to her!!!

One More Day..

Last night I had a crazy dream
A wish was granted just for me
It could be for anything
I didn't ask for money
Or a mansion in Malibu
I simply wished for one more day with you

One more day, one more time
One more sunset, maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again, I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still for one more day with you
One more day...

First thing I'd do is pray for time to crawl
I'd unplug the telephone and keep the TV off
I'd hold you every second
Say a million 'I Love You's'
That's what I'd do with one more day with you

One more day, one more time
One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied
But then again I know what it would do
Leave me wishing still for one more day with you

-Diamond Rio

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Grandma Anne

It's hard to believe Grandma Anne is gone. She was 89 years old, but you would never know it, she looked and acted 20 years younger. Loss doesnt get any easier, when you have had alot, you just start to feel numb. Jillian was really close to her great grandma, she, and of course us will really miss her.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Party Girls

Just Swingin Eatin at the kids table and sleeping on aunty
I love abby, and emma to of course!
Jillian had so much fun today at jimmy's parents party- lots of kids, swings and doggies. Olivia got to hang out in their office in the rocking chair, someone is teething and a little cranky at times!!! Turned out to be a nice day- summer is here- yeh!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Tonight I was folding laundry, look over, and little miss olivia was on her belly!!! I put her on her back, she did it again, and again!!! Of course by the time ryan ran upstairs to get the video camera she was tired. but i will get a video and post it tommorrow, it was the cutest- she was tryin so hard!! I looked in Jillians book and she rolled over 4/25- 7 months old!!! So if Olivia is 4 months ahead in everything else she will be walking by christmas!! ahhhh- 2 on the move- not ready!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Dotty Girls

Omigosh, it was so perfect outside today, we were outside the minute gymnastics ended until about 1/2 hr ago. Olivia just sits in her bouncy chair looking around- i wondered what i would do with an infant this summer but she seems to love outside so far. Everytime it gets nice out i think- why do we live in a place its only nice like this a few months a year????

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Animal Lover

Jillian and Caden in the "jungle"
Aunty I'm too little for a foot massage!
I love this place! I think Jillian will grow up and have a career that involves animals- she loves them. Not just the cute ones, she likes the snakes, birds, lizards, even worms and bugs. She was so happy at the zoo yesterday- for 5 hrs straight she ran from animal to animal, so glad i got the double stroller :-) oh well, we use it to walk to the park! Even Olivia was awake almost the whole time. I'm so happy they have the zoo pass cause I think we will be going to the zoo a lot this summer!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Baby Brynn

Congrats to Lisa, Jason and big brother Caden on the birth of baby Brynn last night at 11pm! She was 6lbs 7 oz, 20 inches, 3 weeks early!! She was born on her mom and dad's anniversary!! Can't wait to meet her!! Jillian and Olivia are very excited- finally another girl!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Freaky Park People

ok, i know there was a language barrier, but these two old chinese people really freaked me out today at the park. The walk up to me and start speaking animated chinese, i smile politely, thinking they are saying the baby is cute. They get more and more "excited", suddenly the old man grabs the stroller and undoes the brake. at this point i decide they are nuts and stealing my baby, and i'm pretty sure i can take the two of them since together they equal my height. so, just as i'm about give grandpa a push, he turns the stroller to face the other way and she puts the blanket on different than i had. they smile at me, and walk away. apparently i had olivia facing the wind? and that is unacceptable to them i guess!! good god, 15 more seconds and i could have been on the nightly news, "crazy new mom attacks elderly chinese couple at neighborhood park, all they wanted was to prevent baby windburn".

No rest for the weary, poor Boo
What mom? I'm busy!
Can you believe I'm 3 months old already?

Birthday Party for 1

so last nite olivia wakes up screaming at 4am, im like geez, i will be rite there to put your ya ya back in. so, i go in her room and she is horizontal in her crib with her legs hanging all the way out of the slats and kicking like crazy. I'm glad i took her bumper off, if shes moving around that much she could suffocate herself! Today is her 3 month birthday so maybe she was just celebrating and it got a little out of hand! ha!

Otherwise im just annoyed cause jillians gymnastics teacher didnt show up today. We all were outside sitting in our cars, door to building locked! ARGHHH!!!

No More Pictures Please!
Resisting a Sister Hug

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers, mothers to be, grandma's and aunty's out there!! My girls (with help from daddy i think) got me this necklace, i really love it. Hope everyone had a great day, and relaxed- we all deserve it!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Little Vampire

Olivia has been drooling, and a little crabby the last couple days. I figured she couldn't be teething yet, but sure enough, she is getting the 2 fang teeth!! Jillian didn't get a tooth till like 6 1/2 months! Poor thing, she is so little i can't even give her like frozen bagels or soft food yet!!

She also is intent on rolling over. She can roll on her side and than she goes crazy flailing her arms and legs trying to go all the way. Another thing Jillian didn't do till like 5 months!! She has so much more patience than Jillian- she keeps trying everything- Jillian always just got really mad!

Potty training is going good, we are off the little potty and on the big one. So its a little less gross - emptying that little potty was not fun. I want her to go to preschool this fall, she misses the cut off age wise for alot, but i found one that will take her. She has so much fun at the park with other kids, so i know its time for her to go a couple days a week to school.

Today i get my new car!!! I cant wait to go to Starbucks in the rain and not get wet (i was too lazy to roll the window back up) or have to yell over my loud engine to order!!! Its the little things in life!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mad at Brett

Crabby Packer Fan
Is Brett gonna do this again? This little fan is sick of the will brett unretire talk already!!

Look a likes?

Jillian 13 weeks
Olivia 11 weeks Everyone is always asking me if the girls look alike. Its hard to remember what jillian looked like over 2 yrs ago! Here is a pic of each of them, doing the same thing, almost same age. I think same eyes, mouth, face shape, different nose and hair colors. Both little cuties i think!!

Day in Pictures

Momma's Big Helper
Sassy Pants
Bug gun, fancy dress- ready for some action

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tough Life

Not into hot tubing yet
I love my aunty
Just relaxin in aunty and jimmys hot tub on a saturday nite- i know- tough life but somebody's gotta live it!