Monday, June 29, 2009

The angels came and took you much too soon,
Happy Golden Birthday Uncle Nick,
Always on our minds,
Forever in our hearts.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lazy summer days...

She's not shy in front of boys, great!
Sister fun!!
Finally my turn to swim!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Playin favorites

That's rite, i'm little miss perfect
Ok, i know as a mom i'm not suppose to have a "favorite" kid, so i'll just say, i like olivia a lot more right now. We definately got off to a shaky start, her 1st 2 months were hard, she didnt cry all the time, but alot more than i was use to with jillian. Jillian only needed to be held and fed, and she was the happiest baby. This is how she made her way in our bed, leaving her crib brand new for her sister!! Olivia is on her 4th formula and bottles, so she's had a little issue with upset belly and spit up. Probably why she was fussy. At 2 months she changed and became this wonder baby, the kind we heard exsisted but never experienced. She takes 2 good naps a day, plus a short "evening catnap", sleeps 9-12 hrs a night- in her CRIB!!! Crazy!!! She actually fusses when im holding her and she's sleeping. I like to rock her to sleep and until i put her in her crib she's fidgeting, than she gives me a little smile and rolls on her side. Obviously our lives are alot different than when jillian was born, and we have less time with 2, so there is no way i could spend all day holding olivia like i did jillian.

So, anyways, i have this angel baby and than this two year old in the clutches of the "terrible twos." Jillian is either sweet as sugar, telling me she loves me so much, or having a meltdown. I remember 6 months ago thinking, well this is it, we are in the worst of it. YA! Not even close. As she is getting older, she is smarter and stronger willed, and every thing is a battle. I spend my days trying to trick her, today it was her nails. She went bananas when i got the clipper out. so i said i would paint them only if i could cut them (she loves nail polish), sure enough screaming stopped instantly and nails were cut.

I know it all goes fast, and soon in few years olivia will be "terrible", and jillian will be my little lady. Just for today, i'm liking the little quiet one just a smidge more!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

Diggin for worms
3 generationsDaddy's little angel baby
Daddy and his #1 fan
Happy fathers day to all the dads and grandpas out there!!! We had a bbq at our house today with all mine, ryans and jimmys family- it was beautiful outside and alot of yummy food, what more can you ask for??

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ready to Party

I want a pony momma
Ready to get my roll on
Today we went to ethans 2nd birthday party. I don't know why i bother worrying about what jillian is wearing, she spent half the party naked sitting in a kiddie pool!
if anyone uses burt's bee's i found its $3 cheaper at pick n save! I've been buying it at target the last 2 yrs for 8.99, expensive, but it got rid of all jillians arm bumpies. Well, today i was at the grocery store, and needed shampoo/wash, and didnt want to run to target. I looked twice at the price and its 5.99- i would have never thought it was cheaper there!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

EWW! Give me my bottle please!

Got this before i was born, thanks aunty e
Happy Baby
Ick mommy
So, rice cereal wasn't a big hit with olivia. can't really remember if jillian liked it, i know she didnt love it.
i got stupid jury duty week 0f july 6th-yuck. some people never get it and this is my second time. it sucks cause i work 7-3 and jury duty goes way later than that. so all the kids pick up/ drop off that week will be on daddies shoulders. yuck.
what a perfect day- finally-ryan got the girls a tent- a big tent and set it up in the yard. jillian loved it- closest she will ever come to camping. He wants to sleep out there next weekend- have fun- i will be in my comfy bed!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Itty Bitty

Mmm my hand is nummy
Its my birthday and all i got was 3 shots and some gross mouth stuff
Ok, so i know being in the 97th percentile is not itty bitty but let me explain. Olivia had her 4 month doctor appt yesterday, she weighed 16 lbs and 26 inches long. All this put her in the 97th percentile, but, for a baby born at 10lbs 15oz, she only gained 5 lbs in 4 months!! Jillian was 17.5 lbs and 26.5 inches at 4 months!! so jillian gained 8lbs in 4months vs. my itty bitty olivia's 5lbs!! She would not stay on her back the whole appt, she kept rolling over and rocking like crazy, dr george said she seems like an early crawler. Good- it will be cute, bad- i see little barbie shoes and beaded necklaces in her mouth- ahhhh!!! She can start eating rice cereal now, i can't wait to get some tomorrow and see her face eating it!!

Me and barb had a rummage the last 2 days, made $125 selling junk i dont need, so not bad!! It was such nice weather yesterday and this afternoon- finally seems like summer- since june is 1/2 over!!

Olivia was not happy last nite at about 5pm, think it was the shots. she cried to 6pm, i finally got her down, and she slept till 6am!!! I checked on her 3 times last nite, she ate her bottle at 5pm- thats like 13 hrs no food!! She ate at 6am than went back to bed for 2 more hours! Poor baby, the combo of baby Tylenol and shots wore her out.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It had to happen sooner or later....

Consoling the victim

Post incident
Deliriously tired- "i hold my feet like a baby"
Well, i knew sooner or later olivia would be wounded by jillian, and tonite was the nite. Playing peek a boo real cute, olivia sitting on my lap with her back to me, olivia smiling, cooing, all the sudden she is screaming - hysterical. I am looking at her, i see her index finger in jillians mouth. I scream at jillian, i'm sure she bit off her finger tip, she lets go, the finger is still intact, thank god!! 5 minute time out later, Jillian promised she would never bite "anyone momma" again. Fun!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

We survived Week 1

Trying to figure out how to crawl
They like to watch me cook and clean- smart girls
This exersaucer thing is ok
1st bath together
It has been quite a busy week, trying to figure out our new schedules. It went super fast, just as I figured, so its good and bad. I highly doubt i will have time to post more than once a week, with 2 kids its a little nonstop till like 9pm, and by then im a zombie.
Olivia slept through the night last nite- 9 hrs- 1st time i didnt have to get up at least once to stick her ya ya in or roll her off her stomach . So thats exciting!! She probably would have slept longer, but somebody (ryan) was convinced she was dead, so he went in her room and rolled her off her stomach, cause she suppose to sleep on her back he said. Well, i know that, but she probably slept all nite that way! So i hope it continues- she's been going like 9 hrs for a month and a half, but still i wake up with her and then its hard to fall back asleep. Today she did the full roll, back to stomach to back. Big girl! she's also really really teething poor thing. She did so good at gramma's all week- i was a little worried, she's kinda clingy to me (nice change!), but she was a little angel.
Jillian is her usual self, the things she is saying lately, so funny. She said to gramma yesterday, "whats that" (pointed to plunger). gramma said "plunger." she said, "interesting." She constantly has me cracking up. Just watching her dance in her carseat on the way home is hilarious. She's got mad moves!!
Going back to work wasnt horrible, i missed my friends there, and it will be nice to get a paycheck again:-) I do appreciate time with the girls after work and now this weekend a lot more though.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Babies, Babies, Babies!!!

Congrats to Stephanie and Tim on the birth of their twin boys today!! Vincent and Lucas were 5.7lbs 18.5 inches!!

Congrats to Shannon and Kyle on the birth of Carson lee tonight!! He was 7lbs, 8oz!!

We can't wait to meet all the new little babies!!!