That's rite, i'm little miss perfect

Ok, i know as a mom i'm not suppose to have a "favorite" kid, so i'll just say, i like olivia a lot more right now. We definately got off to a shaky start, her 1st 2 months were hard, she didnt cry all the time, but alot more than i was use to with jillian. Jillian only needed to be held and fed, and she was the happiest baby. This is how she made her way in our bed, leaving her crib brand new for her sister!! Olivia is on her 4th formula and bottles, so she's had a little issue with upset belly and spit up. Probably why she was fussy. At 2 months she changed and became this wonder baby, the kind we heard exsisted but never experienced. She takes 2 good naps a day, plus a short "evening catnap", sleeps 9-12 hrs a night- in her CRIB!!! Crazy!!! She actually fusses when im holding her and she's sleeping. I like to rock her to sleep and until i put her in her crib she's fidgeting, than she gives me a little smile and rolls on her side. Obviously our lives are alot different than when jillian was born, and we have less time with 2, so there is no way i could spend all day holding olivia like i did jillian.
So, anyways, i have this angel baby and than this two year old in the clutches of the "terrible twos." Jillian is either sweet as sugar, telling me she loves me so much, or having a meltdown. I remember 6 months ago thinking, well this is it, we are in the worst of it. YA! Not even close. As she is getting older, she is smarter and stronger willed, and every thing is a battle. I spend my days trying to trick her, today it was her nails. She went bananas when i got the clipper out. so i said i would paint them only if i could cut them (she loves nail polish), sure enough screaming stopped instantly and nails were cut.
I know it all goes fast, and soon in few years olivia will be "terrible", and jillian will be my little lady. Just for today, i'm liking the little quiet one just a smidge more!