Consoling the victim

Post incident
Deliriously tired- "i hold my feet like a baby"

Well, i knew sooner or later
olivia would be wounded by
jillian, and
tonite was the
nite. Playing peek a boo real cute,
olivia sitting on my lap with her back to me,
olivia smiling, cooing, all the sudden she is screaming - hysterical. I am looking at her, i see her index finger in
jillians mouth. I scream at
i'm sure she bit off her finger tip, she lets go, the finger is still intact, thank god!! 5 minute time out later, Jillian promised she would never bite "anyone momma"
again. Fun!
Yea... I know what you mean... No tears shed from the little one yet, but it will happen sooner than later here I bet!!! Oh, the joys of motherhood!!!
She has curls!!!
I know two boys who used to bite each other!!!! Related to me, I'm sorry to say!
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