Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And all i got was some lousy peas!

You dont' wear your princess dress on monday? If only they would always play so nice...
Just gimme the spoon!
Not so sure about these peas
6 months stats: 18 lbs (95%), 27 3/4 (97%), so she caught up to Jillian height wise but still 1.5 lbs less. She has only gained 7 lbs in 6 months, Jillian gained 10!! She loved her shots, ha! ya rite. Jillian has chosen her profession, she is going to be a baby doctor, she said she would love to give shots! The doctor even gave her a throat stick, or her "magic" get well stick, as she calls it!
Olivia got her first veggie Sunday, peas, i bought a book when i was pregnant to make home made baby food. I have to say it does taste really good compared to the jarred stuff. I figure when shes like mom, why did Jillian have 25 photo albums and scrapbooks in her first 2 yrs and i have like 1 album, i will be like sweetie, but i fed your sister the evil jarred food and made u homemade food! I'm sure that will end all sibling feuding :-)


Anonymous said...

What a Mommy! Homemade baby food! You have some Beautiful, and healthy children.

Anonymous said...

Whats some Dolls.

Anonymous said...

Peas,peas, time for a blog update.