Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baby Carrier No More...

Today miss Olivia has her 9 month check up with our new doctor. Love her so much, she sat with us for at least 20 mins getting to know olivia, our family and jillian. It was great, and she has kids my kids age, im really happy! Olivia has been going through stranger danger lately and she even liked the doc! did all her tricks, clapping, waving and so big! So, here's the stats:
weight 21lbs, 5 oz (85%)
height 29 1/4(93%)
head 46 cm (90%)
She is behind jillian still about a 1.5 lb and 1/2 inch and currently wearing a 9 month thanksgiving sleeper just fine, so even though she's a "big baby" according to percentiles i think she's growing alot slower than jillian and other kids. For being almost 11 lbs at birth, only gaining 10 lbs isn't that much! Doc said we will see over the next year, for now she is all healthy and wearing her baby phat pretty cutely!! So, we have to retire the baby carrier, 29 inches is max doc said. I'm sure gonna miss that thing, its so nice when you come home they can keep napping. Oh well- i think she will like sitting in the big girl car seat like big sis!! Awwww, so big!!

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