Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh my how you've grown!

My little 10lbs 15 oz chunker
6 months
Everything is so funny on your bday

Day Dreaming of cake and presents tomorrow?

One year old!!! I find it slightly ironic my little birthday girl is snoozing right now, since a year ago she was making quite the ruckus at 12:15pm!!!! The last year was so fast, too fast, i literally feel like she should be 3 months old. It doesn't help she was so fast to do everything either!!! Rolling over, the hard way from back to stomach at 3 months, sitting up and crawling at 6 months, standing at 8 months, taking steps at 8 1/2 months and all out running around by 9 months. She is my rough neck for sure, she didn't even let stitches keep her down! I can't imagine life with out you my little boom- boom, happy 1st birthday baby!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day my princess!