Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Santa Claus came to town

barbie camper!!
i think thats for your babies Olivia!
Princess castle with unicorns!!
so many presents so little time
thanks for another hard year of work Keko (the elf) see u next yr
daddy and his girls
My girls
We had a wonderful christmas, full of love and presents of course!! Christmas eve was at our house and Christmas day at grammy barb's. Jillian was so excited this year, it was alot of fun. Goes so fast! 2011 already?!

97 years young!

grammy takes the best pics ha ha!
Aunty's amazing friend Bobby Patrick had a suprise 97th birthday party for aunty Lucy last sunday! He had so much food it was unbelievable. About 25 people were at the party and Aunty had a blast. 97 years!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Skating Princess

Jillian has been begging to go ice skating and so off we went today. I haven't skated since my Dad use to shovel off a spot on the lake at the cottage for me and erin, so probably about 20 yrs ago. It is definitely not like riding a bike! it's hard! Jillian had a blast, there was a couple girls doing jumps, she said she wants to skate like that. so cute!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa is the devil/ i could sit on santa all day

this year olivia was NOT about santa ha ha! Jillian loves santa, she made him a picture and was so happy. We went right after i got off work today and there was 3 people in front of us, perfect time i guess! whoo hooo.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Christmas marathon

House decorated, gifts bought and wrapped, cards sent and cookies baked. Christmas is exhausting. All that's left is to visit Santa, and maybe relax a little in the next 12 days. I'm really starting to appreciate my mother and mothers everywhere who put on this whole Christmas spectacle every year. we are highly under appreciated!!

We must be really good....

cause santa claus came today already!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


cookie making is boring, i just want to eat them!
Little chef

candy monster
love this picture, both like, hmm what u got?
5 hours of cookie making + girls up at 6 am for St Nick (yeh I know its suppose to be tonite but wanted to enjoy it not have them see their stockings then rush to work) = girls sleeping by 6pm!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

One more thing...

Don't ever buy Frigidaire, seriously its J U N K. Worst appliances ever. Ryan has had to fix the fridge a couple times, the ice machine messed up. Last year our 4 yr old dryer stopped working, the repair guy fixed it to work only on high, or we could pay like $250 for a new timer thing, seriously? I will just dry on high. Well, now on Thursday I was doing laundry and it was not spinning leaving the clothes soaked. Had appliance guy come today, some door lock, $175 for part, labor and service call. SERIOUSLY it is 5 yrs old. My mom's and Barb's washer/dryers are like 30 years old. Is all stuff made like crap nowadays or is that just a bad brand???? ARGHHHHHHH merry Christmas to us from Frigidaire!

Little House Builders

there's a story behind this one...
The masterpiece
The artist, and her annoying sous chef who eats everything
In case you didn't know I love glitter and weird baubles. My Grandma had 3 things every Christmas which i loved. 2 I inherited, her jewel tree and white lite tree. The 3rd was the gingerbread house they got for us each year. It was more like a mc-mansion house, huge and full of candy. Oh ya, i really like sweets too. So, i've been looking for a bakery that makes one and have yet to find one. So, got a cheapie at target and let the girls decorate it. Olivia just ate it, but Jillian really got into it. She definitely has Aunty Erin and Uncle Nick's talents.
She also is obsessed with taking pictures lately. Hence the first picture I hinted at above. She makes Olivia pose for her. So she tells olivia move, keep moving, ok sit there. I need to get a good one of the tree. Olivia is her loyal subject, wonder how long that will last?? so cute those 2!