Saturday, December 4, 2010

One more thing...

Don't ever buy Frigidaire, seriously its J U N K. Worst appliances ever. Ryan has had to fix the fridge a couple times, the ice machine messed up. Last year our 4 yr old dryer stopped working, the repair guy fixed it to work only on high, or we could pay like $250 for a new timer thing, seriously? I will just dry on high. Well, now on Thursday I was doing laundry and it was not spinning leaving the clothes soaked. Had appliance guy come today, some door lock, $175 for part, labor and service call. SERIOUSLY it is 5 yrs old. My mom's and Barb's washer/dryers are like 30 years old. Is all stuff made like crap nowadays or is that just a bad brand???? ARGHHHHHHH merry Christmas to us from Frigidaire!

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