Sunday, January 2, 2011


so we have some type of flu over here, Jillian got sick Xmas eve, and like domino's we all have fallen. Luckily its not the throwing up gross flu, but we sound like a bunch of seals at the zoo. People have been telling me they didn't feel better for 2 weeks from this stuff, 2011 is off to a great start!

2010 was also a pretty crummy New Year's eve, we made it till 10pm and had chicken soup for dinner! Usually we go out for a great meal with friends, but this year was going to be really special cause our favorite Ohio people were coming!! Well, of course they couldn't come, we didn't wanna give Carson and baby mama our sickness. Luckily my thoughtful friend Stephanie texted me a picture of some giant shrimp and yummy steak while they ate at our FAVORITE restaurant ever Butch's!!! Ha ha, she also mentioned they missed us and it wasn't the same without us, and since food has little taste to me right now, all is forgiven!! oh well, there is always another new year's eve, i'm sure it will be faster than I would like!

Hope everyone has a joyful, healthy and safe New Year!! 2011!! I thought I'd be riding around in little jetson spaceship by now! ha!

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