Yeah I got a double chin, so what, i'm still really cute!
otherwise today at my 6 weeks check up the nurse said to me, while im on the scale no less, oh wow is this a mistake, you had a 11 pound baby?? NO, what is it with you people, about a month after jillian was born i got a call from the hospital wondering if their was a mistake with her birth date or weight. NO she was 9.5 lbs at 36 weeks. I have big kids ok!! Maybe you shouldn't have waited to induce me till 2 days before me due date huh??
oh ya, just put away the 3-6 month clothes, yup my 6 week old is in 6 month and 6-9 month stuff! It is baggy, but lenghtwise- perfect. and lisa was worried my kid would still be in 0-3 when hers was born the end of may! ha! i think by fall her and jillian will be wearing the same size!!