Saturday, May 9, 2009

Little Vampire

Olivia has been drooling, and a little crabby the last couple days. I figured she couldn't be teething yet, but sure enough, she is getting the 2 fang teeth!! Jillian didn't get a tooth till like 6 1/2 months! Poor thing, she is so little i can't even give her like frozen bagels or soft food yet!!

She also is intent on rolling over. She can roll on her side and than she goes crazy flailing her arms and legs trying to go all the way. Another thing Jillian didn't do till like 5 months!! She has so much more patience than Jillian- she keeps trying everything- Jillian always just got really mad!

Potty training is going good, we are off the little potty and on the big one. So its a little less gross - emptying that little potty was not fun. I want her to go to preschool this fall, she misses the cut off age wise for alot, but i found one that will take her. She has so much fun at the park with other kids, so i know its time for her to go a couple days a week to school.

Today i get my new car!!! I cant wait to go to Starbucks in the rain and not get wet (i was too lazy to roll the window back up) or have to yell over my loud engine to order!!! Its the little things in life!!!


Anonymous said...

Heidi aka Mommy,

You may be treated like the maid,
you may be treated like the gardner,
you may be treated like the daycare,
you may be treated like the chauffer,
you may be treated like many things.
But one thing is for sure,
You will always be loved.
For a fathers work may be from sun up till sundown,
but a mothers work is never down.
And all that I have, am, and hope to be, I owe to you,
So this is for all the times I forgot to say THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU! Happy Mothers Day!


eebee diaries said...

awww, you must really want to go up north huh??!! ha ha, just joking, love u too :-)