Queen of the Jungle Gym
We are on an adventure, learning and growing each day! We hope you will join us when you can!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Already wishing Ohio was closer...
Mr. Cute
The weather was perfect, its so fun watching jillian play and her imagination just growing daily, she is offically a big girl, yes we have FINALLY had a couple weeks of poop on the potty!!! Pee Pee has been pretty good since jan, but poopie has definitely been erratic at best, and annoying cause pullups are expensive so i put her in underoos, which are really gross to change.
Olivia has been her usual happy smiley baby during the day, but the evil teething troll has appeared several times during the last 3 nites-- UGH!! poor thing. she is all over, dragging herself around, crazy little baby girl.
We are getting the girls a swing set, i waited too long last year trying to get the best deal, and the one i wanted was sold out. So, i'm trying to time it this year to get "end of season" price, it should be ALOT of fun for ryan to put together, luckily now jimmy is family to be and will help out :-)
The last bit of excitement over here is finding out Aunty E and Jimmy are getting married next june in JAMAICA!!!! I love, LOVE Jamaica, been there 3 times. Of course its been 8 yrs now, since our honeymoon, so i cannot wait to go back. The girls will have a blast- hopefully they will be good on the plane ride- baby motrin perhaps, ha ha!! So, we have officially begun our Jamaica countdown, sista sista's wedding, ocean, sun, unlimited food and drinks here we come!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
We got teeth
We are also super super excited- Aunty erin and soon to be uncle jimmy are getting married!!! Yeh!!! Next summer will be the big event! We love them both so much and they help us out all the time, we wish them a lifetimes worth of happiness and love, and lots of little cousins/nephews (i know they will be boys) too!!!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
There's a smile on my face
Jillian and Ethan making "lunch"
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Puking, bulging disks & 3am feedings.. ahh the good life!
So, its been an especially fun week around here!!! We got home from Illinois Sunday nite and jillan puked 4 times, thought car sick. Nope, some bug. she was sick at grammas monday and at 1230am! fun!! she is all healed and back to normal, have to say, it was nice and quiet around here for a couple days!! Which was good cause Tuesday morning my back went out, AGAIN, probably the 8th time in the last 10 years. I always go get me some painkillers and ride it out, this time it was paralyzing pain. Couldn't move for 4 hrs, all i did was lean over to put my socks on. I'm no pain wimp, i had 2 kids naturally, and 1 was almost 11 lbs, and the pain in my back was worse than both labors. So, went to chiropractor- have been delaying, just cause i feel like all i do is go to doctors- dentist, eye doc, baby doc, kids doc, and so on. But, going to the chiro is a life changing thing for me- my pain is gone- 3days later!! i went in yesterday morning unable to stand up straight and left with a dull ache. today went this morning, have no pain!!! I got my "strength building" exercises to do, and my bulging disk won't go away (w/o surgery) but my chiro is pretty optimistic i can "control" it with strengthening my back! yipee!! So, on top of being in horrible pain tues nite and less but still some wed nite, little O was up at 3am both nites to eat!! Ryan tried to feed her, but she only wants her momma (i was so jealous jillian liked him "best" but at 3am not so fun to be the favorite!!). So, hopefully tonite she will sleep through!! When it rains it pours!!!! TGIF!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
She's her happiest...
When she's in her big sis's arms!
Jillian would like thank her cousin anna too, "for the prettiest dress ever". It went on the minute she got out of her bath last nite, she sleep in it, puked on it today (she's got a little bug) and gramma had to wash it quick, and back on rest of the day, and currently its her choice of pj's. She also LOVES the boots, they were worn almost all day. The minute we got home last nite J puked all over the garage- we assumed car sick- but today she is a little sick- too much partying this weekend- good thing this weekend is all clear- and only relaxing is planned- well at least for the little people!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Frolicking and Pool Parties
Having a blast swimming with her cousins
Today we went down to my cousins house for a pool party. Their house is so beautiful- its like the hgtv house you could win last year, it feels like you will look out the window and see the ocean. every piece of furniture i loved- and their yard! its so huge and all you see is cornfields and trees. someday i'm gonna have that view! Jillian had so much fun playing with her cousins- i wished we all live closer.
so back to work tommorrow- ugh- hard to believe its the middle of july already. my little baby girl is 5 months old today!!!! She is up on her shins now, pushing up off her arms- she is inching herself forward a little- its crazy! I fear fall around here -i think we will be chasing after olivia all day long!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Brewers Game
Ethan conquering the slide
The happy part of the game
Thinking- should i be crabby or sweet?
So, we went to a brewer game last night with our friends, and jillians friend ethan. We left baby o at home with aunty e, she got lucky, she slept practically the whole time! I'm not gonna say i told you so, but i pretty much predicted how the experience would be from the start. all i can say is tired 2 3/4 yr old + 7pm brewer game = crabbiness, crying and a few good moments!! Jillian is outside all day playing hard, so she's pooped at nite, she fell asleep on the way home from grandmas yesterday, and slept till i had to wake her to get ready. SO, she was crabby from the get go. the best part of the game was the childrens area on the top floor- thats where she and ethan had all their fun. oh well, next time a day game!!!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
4th Festivities
Finding treasures
Thursday, July 2, 2009
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