Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Now, that's what i'm talking about!

Ariel and Jillian at the zoo
This goat is crazy
Daddy and J
Me and Miss O
This is what i'm dealing with!
Do I lower the crib all the way for a 6 month old?!?
we went to the zoo today- a million times better- there were no people there- no one to wave to on the train tho- it was great!! For once we saw every single animal there i think- no crowds!
Poor ryan, he came home and stepped on an inch long piece of glass- which we have no idea where it came from. we had been home like an hr- all walked through the kitchen lots of times, and he even vacuumed! freaky- can u imagine if jillian had stepped on it or olivia crawled on it! oy!Jillian said the grumpy troll left it- that troll is BUSY- he leaves toys laying around, leaves the fridge open- whats the deal troll?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who told her about the troll? that's funny - stacy