Oh, there is nothing like your first born child! Our lives completely changed the minute Jillian Marie entered our world at 5:20am September 22nd, 2006. Everything revolved around her, we spent hours watching her sleep, listening for every noise, waiting for every facial expression, taking a million pictures! Ryan arranged her pictures by the week, up until 4 months- we had probably 200 pictures a week!! My shy little baby became a shining star, I definitely think she will be in drama, she loves to perform! In her bath she has little plays with the toys, and tells me what to say- a little director! She is funny, strong willed, stubborn and has a memory you can't believe. You can never say anything to her you don't mean, she will bring it up, days later, and believe me- you better not have been fibbing! This last year she has changed the most, and its definitely been the hardest for me, cause its losing the babyness, and once its gone, its gone. We were driving to the store Saturday, and I had no diaper bag, just her singing in the background. I remember i use to just hope she would be good, and not throw a tantrum or poop or whatever, and now, all the sudden, its just me and her- my buddy. The baby is at home with daddy, the little girl, my sweet Jillian is with me, in her big girl car seat with the big girl underwear on and carrying her purse. She is 3, and I am so proud to be her mom.
Happy Birthday Princess!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Jillian!!! Ethan misses you and talks about you all the time!!!
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