Saturday, February 9, 2008

Jillian on demand- by popular request!!!!

Well since some of our loved ones are far away and can't see miss Jillian often, I thought the best way to keep everyone updated would be to create a blog. I will post milestones, pictures and videos (ryans job!) as often as I can.

As of late, baby Jillian is quickly disappearing and a toddler is taking her place. We are convinced she's a genious (:-)) she imiates and remembers everything. She spends most of her days "reading" in her chair or sitting in the computer chair "working" on projects. She's obsessed with her babies- 3 so far- and takes very good care of them. A little ocd from daddy- she washes them quite often! Even though at her 15 month checkup she lost a pound from 1 yr(25 lbs, 33 1/2 inches) she eats like a horse! I suppose since she never sits down the calories don't stick around!!

I named the blog eebee diares because eebee baby is her favorite- FAVORITE- thing. Eebee is a crazy looking character- it is the only thing she will watch on tv - probably a good thing i suppose! check him out at

So, welcome to our blog!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited to see this!! Yes, she is a genious! She never ceases to amaze me with all her activity.
And she is obsessed with her "babies" which means she will be a great "big sister".
Looking forward to the blogs!
Grammie B

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I am soooooooooooooo thrilled Jillian has her own blog! I KNEW we were related!! This is so fantastic to see her walk! Oh {{{{{{{{Jillian}}}}}}}}} And hugs to Mommy and Daddy for making this possible!
What happened to that small baby????
Time for another....
Aunty Cindy