Have you seen Boo or Blaze lately? Probably not- they are in hiding. You can see the fear in their eyes! They see her coming out of the corner of their little eyes and they run-run fast! But she's just as quick- 3 ft of sheer dog terror. It started with the ear pulling and eye poking. Now its progressed to all out smacks- usually with objects such as ya ya's or even - gasp- the babies being used as weapons! Poor Boo and Blaze- forced to nap with one eye open! Boo can't even eat in peace anymore- she appears out of nowhere- throwing his kibble into his water- let me tell you - Boo hates soggy kibble! Boy things have sure changed around here! So, if you see Boo or Blaze give them a little extra love- they are troupers- dealing with tiny terror day in, day out- they'd win the doggie purple hearts for sure!
We are on an adventure, learning and growing each day! We hope you will join us when you can!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Please...Don't Call PETA!!
Have you seen Boo or Blaze lately? Probably not- they are in hiding. You can see the fear in their eyes! They see her coming out of the corner of their little eyes and they run-run fast! But she's just as quick- 3 ft of sheer dog terror. It started with the ear pulling and eye poking. Now its progressed to all out smacks- usually with objects such as ya ya's or even - gasp- the babies being used as weapons! Poor Boo and Blaze- forced to nap with one eye open! Boo can't even eat in peace anymore- she appears out of nowhere- throwing his kibble into his water- let me tell you - Boo hates soggy kibble! Boy things have sure changed around here! So, if you see Boo or Blaze give them a little extra love- they are troupers- dealing with tiny terror day in, day out- they'd win the doggie purple hearts for sure!
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Poor doggies!!! Kait is just beginning to feel how they are feeling... Ethan is now crawling on top of her and she just gets up and he tumbles off... Can't wait to see you three!!! Now Ethan and Jillian can cruise around together!!! Danielle
This "trooper" is ready for pay back! A good "licking" the next time she wakes me up and chases me around the house!! SLUUUUPPPP!
We gotta get together soon- now they will have fun together - gettin into mischief!
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