Friday, August 1, 2008

Baby #2 update

The baby's profile
Front of the baby's face
Today we had our 12 week doctor appt and ultrasound. Everything went great, there is only ONE baby in there and its very healthy. He/she was doing the body wave and generally uncooperative for the tech so we knew he/she was a kid of ours:-) I actually lost a pound since 2 weeks ago so I'm happy! And I have high iron level (last time i was always low) so I know I'm eating way better this time! Of course I failed my diabetes test by a few points, just like last time, even though I have been testing it and its fine. I don't get how drinking pure sugar indicates anything - when do I do that i real life? whatever. so i have to go back for a 3 hr test next friday, I'm a little crabby about it. Too early to tell the sex, the heartbeat was 170 so now I'm starting to think its a boy- Jillians was always 140 ish. Who knows we will find out in september!!! Of course I've got plans if its a boy or girl all written down and ready to go!!!


Anonymous said...

Boy! Definitely! ;-) And cute already!!!
Love Aunty Cindy!

Anonymous said...

Another cutie for sure! Cannot wait for February!! Muah!

Anonymous said...

ONE more precious blessing on the way!!