Friday, August 8, 2008

Terrible Two's

Well, I think we are begining to enter the toddler era feared by all- the terrible two's! Miss Jillian is definately "testing the waters" and "spreading her wings" lately. Tantrums are increasing, ususally due to the fact she is demanding things immediately and mommy and daddy are way to slow or say no. Today so far she has used a tide stick on the wood floor, thrown half her dinner to boo and stuffed a towel in the toliet. I love how when you catch her being naughty she actually looks at me annoyed for stopping her! She is still 80% of the time a really good little girl, she loves doing chores and helping me out. No worries about bending over this time prego-i got my little troll sidekick!!

We have set her birthday party for saturday september 20th at 3pm. I will be sending out invites but probably not till the end of the month- next weekend ashland then OHIO for shannon and kyles wedding!!! yeh!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it!!! Is that Jillybean's twin???? Ha! Ha!