ok this blog is about my kids, but i really have to just get this off my chest. It completely amazes me, in this country, after all the overspending we have done, the trillions of dollars we are in debt, Washington law makers think this is the answer. To spend MORE. i think this quote today from the wall street journal sums it up best,
this legislation "will increase taxes, increase premiums and increase debt, while decreasing economic growth, job growth, and the quality of health care. " So it will - if it is allowed to go into effect
Luckily , key parts of Obamacare- especially the subsidies - don't go into effect until 2014. So what republicans have to do is to make the 2010 and 2012 elections refereneda on Obamacare, win those elections and then repeal Obamacare.
Does the president, congress, ect... realize they work for us??? When 60% of americans are against a policy, get a clue. ahhhhh now i feel better.
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