Sunday, March 28, 2010

it's my bday whoot whoot

ya not really, bday's are alot more fun when u r little, the parties, the balloons, the gifts!! ha ha. Had a great weekend, jillians better, now olivia's got it. Boogerita is all i can say. She napped from 1130 to 5pm today, kinda missed her!!! So after 15 bdays of flowers, ryan is shaking it up, the door bell rang and it was a fruit bouquet! it was Delicious, fruit all week, and believe me after the weekend of eating and non exercise ive had i need it!!! Jamaica is coming way to fast, lets just hope my new "miracle swimsuit" i ordered fri nite truly produces miracles!!! I also got my the new front porch bench i wanted so im happy! jillian and i got all out pots and patio furniture out too, so im sure it will snow soon!!!! now im going to cap my bday bonanza with a nice big piece of tiramisu, yum!!!

1 comment:

Angie Steinbrugge said...

Happy birthday to you! Hopefully you all are getting the beautiful weather that we have had down here in Missouri....70's!! :)