Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Makin' dinner for the rents... Again!

What to make? Anyone got any new recipes? Mac and cheese and hot dogs are gettin' old. I even gotta set the table! Chores galore!


Anonymous said...

Baby Cakes,
Where are your people??? I'm thinking your attire (or lack of, ha! ha !) has you thinking about summer. Maybe a pasta salad and burgers!! Oh! Best put on an apron to keep the crumbs out of that cute bellybutton!! Paging Jillian's peeps!!!!
Love ya,

eebee diaries said...

granma, i was so busy i didn't have time to throw a load of laundry in! brrr its cold- but all my chores keep me warm! love, Jillian

Anonymous said...

Oh LOLLLLLLLLLLL! What no laundry in???? Me thinks you LIKE being in the semi nude state!
Aunty Cindy