Friday, July 18, 2008

Book Review: eebee's new books!

A book review by Jillian and Heidi

You don't have to know who eebee is, or already like him, to love these books. The four new books just out from eebee adventures are interactive learning tools, not just books. The books are made out of soft, tactile material to engage the child. The books don't just show a picture and a word to describe it, they allow a child to actually preform the movement. Motor skills are sharpened and imaginations soar.

From the moment I opened the packages my daughter was enthralled with these books. I did not show her what or how to use the interactive parts of each book, she completely figured it out herself. The following is a review of each of the four books we received.

Book title: Have A Ball!
Author: Every baby company, Inc
Book type: picture

This book revolves around a ball attached to a string, which is a genius idea since almost ever toddler loves to play with balls. A child doesn't just read about playing catch or basketball, they actually get to preform the activities with their friend eebee. My daughter loved playing catch with eebee, making baskets and sliding the in a wagon- just like hers! I loved that she is learning motor skills like up, down, over, out, etc..! This book, and the others come in handy during the times of day I am busy with something like preparing dinner. She still gets interactive play and learning time, while I can accomplish a task as well. We definitely had a ball with this book! Five stars!!!

Book title: Laundry Time
Author: Every baby company, Inc
Book type: picture

The second book we reviewed, Laundry Time, is a perfect match for all the little helpers out there. My daughter loves laundry- mainly putting the clothes in the washer/dryer and pressing the buttons. This book simulates the laundry experience and allows for hours of fun. Once again, instead of just pictures showing towels, in the book there are actual mini towels to put in the washer. My little helper loved hanging eebee's clothes on the line and putting them away! Her favorite part was putting eebee to bed, she loves to be a little mama. The book even has a real soft blanket to cover eebee, it truly allows your child's imagination to soar. The book also teaches a child the steps involved with a chore, yet its hardly a chore when your favorite baby- eebee is involved!!!

Book title: Peek-A-Boo
Author: Every baby company, Inc
Book type: picture

The third book we reviewed, Peek-A-Boo, is definitely the favorite, if it's possible to pick just one! Peek is a toddler standard, a favorite game to play at any time, any place with no props needed. Imagine combining a favorite game and your favorite baby??? Pure happiness!! From the first page of the book the fun starts. Curtains hide- guess who??? Eebee! My daughter played with the cover for 15 minutes before venturing any further. Eebee continues to play peek throughout the book, he hides behind a raincoat and a sunhat. Once again, not just pictures of these objects, actual mini touchable replicas. Every time eebee "hides" the look on my toddlers face is irreplaceable. Just complete excitement and anticipation. For her to actually be able to hide and find eebee is such a thrill, and building valuable skills which I find thrilling!

Book title: Hug And Splash 2-book set
Author: Every baby company, Inc
Book type: picture

The final books we reviewed were a 2 book set, first we read All About Me and You. I knew this book would be a winner the minute I saw the mirror in the back! My daughter, as well as most toddlers, love to look at themselves. The mirror folds out so while reading the whole book together she could look at herself and point to the body parts just like eebee was. Instead of all her other books that just show a babies foot, she sees eebees foot and than can look in the mirror and see her own. Teaching her valuable thinking skills and helping her to learn how to associate others with herself.

The second book of this set, Bath Time, was fun, fun because it is a book that is made for water! The book floated in her bath, leading to lots of giggles as she tried to teach eebee to swim! My toddler is really into splashing so she loved how the book becomes a squirt gun and splashed eebee right back! What's better than bath time? Bath time with eebee!!!!
All the books we received are wonderful learning tools, and better yet- actually played with again and again by a pretty choosy toddler. I love she is learning, she just loves eebee and his innovative way of play.

Thank you to Rebeca for having the publisher send us these books free of charge!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!


Anonymous said...

Reading your reviews make me want to read these books!! Good job you two! Muah!

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is great! I highly recommend that laundry one if you have a boy. Start immediately! Hey...maybe I can borrow it? Do you think it's too late for my boys??? ;-)

Cute bachlorette things you sent to Shannon Naughty but Nice Heidi!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jillian and Heidi-- I'm the creator of eebee's adventures and just wanted to personally welcome you to the "famileebee" as well as say thanks for taking the time to post your thoughtful (and playful) reviews. "Word of Mom" is very important to us and I appreciate your letting folks in your community know what you think about our approach.

As a special thanks, please use (and share) this discount code for purchases on Just type the word "eebee" in the coupon code box to receive 10% off of your purchase.

All the best,
Stephen Gass
every baby company, inc.

P.S. Please let me know if you'd be willing to post your reviews on sites such as Amazon and You can email me at:


Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.