So, for the last couple weeks jillian has been really interested every time I go potty. Just staring. I don't want to push her too much with potty training- I've heard if you do it before they are ready you can make them hate it. I figure we have 6 good months to try before the baby so no huge rush. Well tonight before her bath she was yelling "potty, potty". So, I sat her on the giant potty -that daddy bought thinking only of his own comfort- and she kinda sat like on a horse. So, after 3 times off and on she jumped her bath. But, I think it must be the beginning stages of the "training". I'm hoping to find a seat that attaches to the toliet that is smaller for her and some sort of step stool. I just don't want to do a potty chair they gross me out. So, big girl over here tonite- where did the little baby go so fast???
1 comment:
Oh what a good BIG girl! Don't let her fall into Dad's giant pot!
Aunty Cindy
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