My first pregnancy was pretty great I am beginning to realize. I would work, come home and nap/watch TV, have hubby go get me some culvers/or chinese (hence 60 lbs weight gain), end the nite with a sundae and be in bed by 730pm. Gradually, I did stay up longer, but everything else stayed the same. This time- my life is controlled by a barely 3 ft toddler who likes to play, play, play. Outside in the sun. With every toy in the house. In boo's water bowl. Plus, now I can not feed my growing child take out every nite, so I am forced to cook meals that include vegetables. If I get to bed by 9pm I am lucky. And ryan says to me yesterday, "you seem more tired and cranky than last time." ya think? here are my other gripes....
1. non-stop feeling like im gonna throw-up- it is all day sickness, forget morning
2. acne like I am 13 again
3. extreme crabiness- I know its irrational the way I'll feel but I can't help it- everything drives me crazy
4. headaches
5. missing sweets- even looking at donuts/cakes, ect (my favorite food group) makes me sick
6. tired, tired, tired
so, everyone keeps saying I will feel like a human again in the 2nd trimester. 2 weeks to go- february feels like a looooong way away.
Want some Cheese with the Whine! Whaa Whaa
Don't worry Heidi...the hormones will even out, and then the kids will have raging teen hormones and will even out just as you hit menopause...more raging hormones...
Ain't being a female grand?
Aunty Cindy
I totally know how you're feeling. Eventually it got better, but now that I am officially in the third trimester - I'm back to being bitchy and everything else.
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