Sunday, September 14, 2008

Good weekend to be sick

Well, its been raining and humid outside for 2 full days now, so I'm not too upset we are a little under the weather here. Jillian's nose started running friday and kept going till this morning. She is still running around and crazy, just a lot more crabbier than usual! fun! today she took a long nap, me too, during the packer game and is looking better. I of course got her cold, but its just like really bad allergies so not too bad. I'm glad i cancelled her 2 yr pictures friday, she had a scratch on her face, but with the cold starting she would have been a cranky girl.

I can't beileve her birthday party is in a few days!!! I feel like she just turned one!!! Hopefully, all the rain is gone and next saturday will be perfect out! That's all thats new here, i'm making chicken dumpling soup for dinner and hope it kicks the cold rite out of us!

1 comment:

LeAnne said...

We are all kind of sick too - I'm hoping it's gone before the baby comes!