This weekend was all about xmas for us! We decorated, got almost all the shopping done, baked cookies and even watched some christmas movies!! Jillian is really into the movies this year, so its fun to watch them, since I really haven't since I was a kid!! Today I even went to a xmas bridal shower, and got a poinsettia!! with glitter on it!!! Doesn't take much to make me happy!!!
Yesterday Jillian saw my stomach move- the really contorted looking way from a hand or foot, and she said, "ewww gross" and covered my belly up with my shirt! Funny, guess it is kind of weird to understand a baby is in there! Otherwise she is obsessed with all things baby related. She is constantly telling me she will give the baby a bottle and ya ya, and toys. I'm sure that excitement will wear off pretty fast when she realizes the baby will eat 10 times a day!! Every time I hang up the babies outfits she rips them down and puts them on her baby dolls. I remember Jillians nursery, how every thing was so perfect, in its place, not so this time, probably a sign of things to come, right?!?
Tomorrow I have my 30 week check up- i can't believe how fast this pregnancy went!!! If I have her at 36 weeks like Jillian, that is only 6 weeks away!!! ahhhh!!!
We are on an adventure, learning and growing each day! We hope you will join us when you can!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Givin' Thanks
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Hair Hopes and Cute Sayins'
What's Jillian been saying lately you ask?? Here's her latest, i've included some examples;
-No Way! Usally used when i ask, "please pick up your toys"
-Oh Man! This is her response when I say bath times over cause mommas butt is asleep.
-That's Nasty! What she said when I served her dinner last nite- nice hey?! but she ate it!!!
I know oh man is from swiper (Dora's arch enemy- if u have a 2 yr old girl you know who tico, isa and swiper are), but the other new phrases, not really sure. Just enjoying being told how it is from a 2 yr old!! will I live through her teenage years??
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Nesting I guess
So, I've had this little check list in my head and all my tasks were accomplished this weekend! Thanks to my hubby mostly, since everything i wanted to do I needed his help! I don't know why i'm trying to get things in such order, i know when the baby comes there will be so much i can't control, but i'll try!! So, the last thing i wanted to do was paint the kitchen, the bright yellow has been driving me and ryan crazy, i guess we aren't "sunny" people. So, we (well, he) painted it a nice, quiet color, its called pewter and i love it. Such an improvement!!!
I've also been worried about xmas decorating, ive always put up the tree and house stuff the day after thanksgiving. Well, this year being 7 months pregnant and living with an unstable 2 year old I was picturing a day of all my favorite xmas things in pieces while i laid on the floor pulling my hair out. Ya, hormones will make u crazy. So, today we had nothing going on, so ryan set up the tree upstairs and me and Jillian spent all day decorating it. It was so fun, usually i just slap them up there, to get done, this time Jillian wanted to know what everyone, i'm not kidding, was. She was pretty good, till we went to do the downstairs tree, than she lost it, but it was nap time. She is such a mix right now, of total beast and perfect helper, keeps ya on your toes for sure!
Whoo hooo 3 day work week!!! 4 day weekend!!! I love the holidays cause it means no work!!!
I've also been worried about xmas decorating, ive always put up the tree and house stuff the day after thanksgiving. Well, this year being 7 months pregnant and living with an unstable 2 year old I was picturing a day of all my favorite xmas things in pieces while i laid on the floor pulling my hair out. Ya, hormones will make u crazy. So, today we had nothing going on, so ryan set up the tree upstairs and me and Jillian spent all day decorating it. It was so fun, usually i just slap them up there, to get done, this time Jillian wanted to know what everyone, i'm not kidding, was. She was pretty good, till we went to do the downstairs tree, than she lost it, but it was nap time. She is such a mix right now, of total beast and perfect helper, keeps ya on your toes for sure!
Whoo hooo 3 day work week!!! 4 day weekend!!! I love the holidays cause it means no work!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
She thinks I'm friends with santa i think
Jillian is really laying it on thick today- 1st when I woke her up this morning she said, "momma, I love you", then just now after her bath she hugged me and said "momma, I missed you." awww, kinda makes up for when she's throwing things or screaming, kinda :-) Guess I will tell santa shes been pretty good this year!
So, yesterday we sold our bed in the morning and got our new bed in the evening!! It's like night and day, I didnt realize how bad our mattress was!! My back feels so good!
Yesterday I also had my 28 week check up , I'm offically in my 3rd trimester!!! I've gained 8 lbs, which made doctor man very happy cause he knows im watching my sugars. I'm actually measuring right on so doc said if keeps up I won't have a 9 1/2 pounder!! whoo hoo. I'm still getting a size ultrasound at 32 and 36 weeks just to check if I've got a another gigantor in me. I know i'm doing good cause my wedding ring still fits, last time i was like 4 months and that sucker was cutting off my circulation. Otherwise this doctor i had was a little strange. He told me this whole story how he is trying to impregnate a gabon at the zoo. They are our closest relatives, genitically. Don't know how I feel about getting treated by a gabon ob, but guess its ok right?!
So, people are so rude!! We had this big party at work and this lady I hadnt seen in awhile goes to me, I saw you and was like wow, Heidi sure didnt lose her baby weight! Then, some body told me you are 7 months pregnant, ha, ha. Real funny, keep your dumb stories to yourself!!!
Can you believe thanksgiving is next week??? where did this year go?!
So, yesterday we sold our bed in the morning and got our new bed in the evening!! It's like night and day, I didnt realize how bad our mattress was!! My back feels so good!
Yesterday I also had my 28 week check up , I'm offically in my 3rd trimester!!! I've gained 8 lbs, which made doctor man very happy cause he knows im watching my sugars. I'm actually measuring right on so doc said if keeps up I won't have a 9 1/2 pounder!! whoo hoo. I'm still getting a size ultrasound at 32 and 36 weeks just to check if I've got a another gigantor in me. I know i'm doing good cause my wedding ring still fits, last time i was like 4 months and that sucker was cutting off my circulation. Otherwise this doctor i had was a little strange. He told me this whole story how he is trying to impregnate a gabon at the zoo. They are our closest relatives, genitically. Don't know how I feel about getting treated by a gabon ob, but guess its ok right?!
So, people are so rude!! We had this big party at work and this lady I hadnt seen in awhile goes to me, I saw you and was like wow, Heidi sure didnt lose her baby weight! Then, some body told me you are 7 months pregnant, ha, ha. Real funny, keep your dumb stories to yourself!!!
Can you believe thanksgiving is next week??? where did this year go?!
Monday, November 17, 2008
i heart craigslist
i posted our bed today on craigslist and got like 10 replies within an hour! I'm still getting emails, one lady wants to come tonight! crazy! Maybe I should have tried for some more money! oh well, just glad were getting something for it!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
No, we haven't lost our minds...
Jillian is talking so good now, she's started saying not only what she wants, but doesnt too. Like, "No bath mommy, me go downstairs by tree"- hopefully that doesnt last to new years- what a stinky girl we would have ha, ha. She's also obsessed with her footed pj's- she almost did not want to go grocery shopping yesterday, i said no pj's, she said, no shopping mommy!! Last minute she changed her mind, but she always wants to go shopping so I don't know whats up with the pj obssession!
Other exciting news, probably just for us, but we are FINALLY getting a king size bed. I bought all the bedding, pillows ect for less than $100 at kohls super sale- so cheap! We are just watching the ads for a good sale on mattresses- its our xmas present to ourselves!! Our mattress is shot, i guess thats what you get nowadays, its only 8 yrs old- seems like they should last like 15 yrs, guess not. I cannot wait to jump into a comfy bed very soon!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Somersaults, the grinch and other misc. stuff.....
Jillian started doing somersaults this last week. Not sure where she learned them from, I'm sure not practicing my tumbling, or is Daddy! Pretty sure the grandma's aren't either! Maybe Dora?!? It's so cute though, she does a perfect little somersault!
So, I'm a Christmas music freak, I love it, can't wait for it to start. I think leah is the only other person I know like me. I figured Jillian would like it, since its mostly so upbeat. Plus, its not like she knows its only November, for all she knows Christmas is tomorrow! So, everytime we are in the car together and I play it, she yells, "different music, momma!!" Seriously?!? Christmas Grinch!!
Jillians new catch phrase is "whats that?" I hear it probably 100 times a day, i'm guessing its the prelude to the Why? question. She wants to know what everything is, its just so amazing how their little minds grow so fast- little sponges.
I accomplished one thing this weekend, getting Jillian off the "sauce." I bought candy for trick or treat like a month ago, and of course Ryan tore into it, well his little shadow saw him eating it and wanted some. Ya, its just one whopper or something, but she does not need to be yelling candy all the time, it sounds like a little porker!! So, all the candies gone, and I thought what can I trick her with, aha! yogurt covered raisins!! She hasn't liked raisins, so I was a little worried, but man she gobbled those suckers right up! Now, when she asks for her candy, I give her those, and shes happy, so I'm happy- yippee no tantrum!!
Otherwise, I'm just so anxious to meet this baby in my belly!!! I want to see what she looks like so bad! For some reason I'm picturing a little blond hair blued eyed baby- maybe my genes will win out this time?! Hopefully after i go next week to the doctor I will start getting the measurement ultrasounds like last time and I can see her! Can't believe next week I start my 3rd trimester!!
So, I'm a Christmas music freak, I love it, can't wait for it to start. I think leah is the only other person I know like me. I figured Jillian would like it, since its mostly so upbeat. Plus, its not like she knows its only November, for all she knows Christmas is tomorrow! So, everytime we are in the car together and I play it, she yells, "different music, momma!!" Seriously?!? Christmas Grinch!!
Jillians new catch phrase is "whats that?" I hear it probably 100 times a day, i'm guessing its the prelude to the Why? question. She wants to know what everything is, its just so amazing how their little minds grow so fast- little sponges.
I accomplished one thing this weekend, getting Jillian off the "sauce." I bought candy for trick or treat like a month ago, and of course Ryan tore into it, well his little shadow saw him eating it and wanted some. Ya, its just one whopper or something, but she does not need to be yelling candy all the time, it sounds like a little porker!! So, all the candies gone, and I thought what can I trick her with, aha! yogurt covered raisins!! She hasn't liked raisins, so I was a little worried, but man she gobbled those suckers right up! Now, when she asks for her candy, I give her those, and shes happy, so I'm happy- yippee no tantrum!!
Otherwise, I'm just so anxious to meet this baby in my belly!!! I want to see what she looks like so bad! For some reason I'm picturing a little blond hair blued eyed baby- maybe my genes will win out this time?! Hopefully after i go next week to the doctor I will start getting the measurement ultrasounds like last time and I can see her! Can't believe next week I start my 3rd trimester!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Both my girls gettin on my nerves
Ok, baby in the belly is hanging out way to low. I feel like I could give one good push and out she'd come. I thought when Jillian lived in my ribs that was uncomfortable- no- shooting pain everytime u walk is way worse!!! Only 3 short months right?!?
Jillian has started giving me the "eyes". When I'm apparently annoying her- usually this is when I'm asking her to do something- she gives me this look- out of the corner of her eyes, then half rolls them! Ok, chica, you are two not 13!! My child has definite attitude. Hopefully, #2 is my laid back kid!
Jillian has started giving me the "eyes". When I'm apparently annoying her- usually this is when I'm asking her to do something- she gives me this look- out of the corner of her eyes, then half rolls them! Ok, chica, you are two not 13!! My child has definite attitude. Hopefully, #2 is my laid back kid!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The list of 2009 babies to be continues to grow! Congrats to Lisa, Jason and Caden- their expecting in early June. Also, to Stephanie and Tim, whose little baby will be here around early July!! So crazy!! Jillian's closest friend is either 14 months older or 9 months younger. This baby is going to have like 6 babies born within 6 months of her! Some like ethan's brother could be days!!! It will be alot of fun!
Today I got all the babies clothes washed, I felt like i robbed a baby store- so many clothes- ridiculous!! I know I have 3 months but I feel like the next 2 will go by so fast with the holidays. Now, all I have to do is wash the big stuff like carseat, ect.. so that can wait till Jan. Plus, having Jillian almost a month early last time is freaking me out. Cause Jan 14th sounds really close. I'm sure this baby will be like here on time or late just cause I will be prepared this time!
Today I got all the babies clothes washed, I felt like i robbed a baby store- so many clothes- ridiculous!! I know I have 3 months but I feel like the next 2 will go by so fast with the holidays. Now, all I have to do is wash the big stuff like carseat, ect.. so that can wait till Jan. Plus, having Jillian almost a month early last time is freaking me out. Cause Jan 14th sounds really close. I'm sure this baby will be like here on time or late just cause I will be prepared this time!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Potty Training Progress
So, I think we are getting close the potty training success! According to all the mom-experts in my life Jillian is "showing the signs." What's a mom-expert you ask, for me its anyone who has a kid older than mine. If your baby is younger than mine you may receive my unsolicited advice from me now and then, but if you have a kid older than mine, I will never offer any advice! You know much more than me! I remember thinking when Jillian was a year old, hey, this is pretty easy, this parenting stuff. Ya, fast forward a year, and everything changes at 2. I can only imagine how ill prepared I am for 3, 4, ect.. So, here are her exciting potty ready signs;
1. Hating a wet diaper- she yells, momma wet, runs in her room jumps on the bed and throws her legs in the air. Very nice not to have to do the diaper wrestle anymore! Many times she also will rip her diaper off in the hallway and leave it for Kaine to sniff, not so nice.
2. Pooping in private- Miss J goes off into another room now to do her "business". She firmly says "Go Away!" if you try to spy on her. Immediately after she says poopy momma, yeah momma loves poopy diapers!
3. This morning after we got home from running errands I heard her get her potty seat. So, I spied on her and she sat on in it, fully clothed, in the living room, grunting, then, came and got me to change her! So, I think she knows what its for that little seat.
Unfortunately, no actual potty on the potty or her little one but I feel like we are close! My dreams of only having one in diapers may actually come true!
Otherwise, all that is new with Jillian is she is a sample whore! Every sat at the grocery store she can't get enough! There is nothing she won't try- the ladies are always like oh its spicy or she won't like it and Jillian says me try, and then mmm-mmm. And reaches out for another. Ryan got the evil eye from the sausage lady last sat. She really likes sausage! Another trait she doesn't get from her I-don't -like -pretty -much-anything- but- cheese- fries-sweets- momma. One bright note for me is she likes tomato soup. I love grilled cheese and tomato soup, ryan does not. But, now I have a little lunch companion to enjoy it with! Ryan can eat whatever! ha!
1. Hating a wet diaper- she yells, momma wet, runs in her room jumps on the bed and throws her legs in the air. Very nice not to have to do the diaper wrestle anymore! Many times she also will rip her diaper off in the hallway and leave it for Kaine to sniff, not so nice.
2. Pooping in private- Miss J goes off into another room now to do her "business". She firmly says "Go Away!" if you try to spy on her. Immediately after she says poopy momma, yeah momma loves poopy diapers!
3. This morning after we got home from running errands I heard her get her potty seat. So, I spied on her and she sat on in it, fully clothed, in the living room, grunting, then, came and got me to change her! So, I think she knows what its for that little seat.
Unfortunately, no actual potty on the potty or her little one but I feel like we are close! My dreams of only having one in diapers may actually come true!
Otherwise, all that is new with Jillian is she is a sample whore! Every sat at the grocery store she can't get enough! There is nothing she won't try- the ladies are always like oh its spicy or she won't like it and Jillian says me try, and then mmm-mmm. And reaches out for another. Ryan got the evil eye from the sausage lady last sat. She really likes sausage! Another trait she doesn't get from her I-don't -like -pretty -much-anything- but- cheese- fries-sweets- momma. One bright note for me is she likes tomato soup. I love grilled cheese and tomato soup, ryan does not. But, now I have a little lunch companion to enjoy it with! Ryan can eat whatever! ha!
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