Sunday, November 2, 2008


The list of 2009 babies to be continues to grow! Congrats to Lisa, Jason and Caden- their expecting in early June. Also, to Stephanie and Tim, whose little baby will be here around early July!! So crazy!! Jillian's closest friend is either 14 months older or 9 months younger. This baby is going to have like 6 babies born within 6 months of her! Some like ethan's brother could be days!!! It will be alot of fun!

Today I got all the babies clothes washed, I felt like i robbed a baby store- so many clothes- ridiculous!! I know I have 3 months but I feel like the next 2 will go by so fast with the holidays. Now, all I have to do is wash the big stuff like carseat, ect.. so that can wait till Jan. Plus, having Jillian almost a month early last time is freaking me out. Cause Jan 14th sounds really close. I'm sure this baby will be like here on time or late just cause I will be prepared this time!

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