Monday, November 24, 2008

Hair Hopes and Cute Sayins'

I'm not a hair person- here is a pic of her hair after her bath. Yes, I really thought I brushed it good. Here's hoping she learns how to deal with her curly hair at a young age!!!

What's Jillian been saying lately you ask?? Here's her latest, i've included some examples;
-No Way! Usally used when i ask, "please pick up your toys"
-Oh Man! This is her response when I say bath times over cause mommas butt is asleep.
-That's Nasty! What she said when I served her dinner last nite- nice hey?! but she ate it!!!

I know oh man is from swiper (Dora's arch enemy- if u have a 2 yr old girl you know who tico, isa and swiper are), but the other new phrases, not really sure. Just enjoying being told how it is from a 2 yr old!! will I live through her teenage years??

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