Ok, maybe you are wondering why we have a xmas tree up already?!? Well, let me tell you. On friday we went to a couple stores, finally found a tree at menards. We needed a tree for the basement this year, cause obviously last year it was just concrete, not finished. So, we bring it home, put it together and 1/2 a strand of lights is out. Ryan tried everything, it was just defective. So, of course the menards we went to didnt have another one, so ryan called a couple, finally found one by stadium. Went yesterday, stood in line forever to return it, brings it home, same freakin' strand of lights out!!! So, I stopped him from stomping on it and crushing it to pieces. Also, side note, each time we take the tree down, Jillian throws a giant fit- like on the floor flaling around- guess she's not so much a grinch after all. So, today we go to walmart, find a tree, come home put it up, it lights up perfect, and yup- thats where its staying- the holidays come early at our house this year. Then, of course, I couldn't resist putting up couple other things- kinda fun to have a new space to decorate. So, thats our exciting weeked!!
Jillian is talking so good now, she's started saying not only what she wants, but doesnt too. Like, "No bath mommy, me go downstairs by tree"- hopefully that doesnt last to new years- what a stinky girl we would have ha, ha. She's also obsessed with her footed pj's- she almost did not want to go grocery shopping yesterday, i said no pj's, she said, no shopping mommy!! Last minute she changed her mind, but she always wants to go shopping so I don't know whats up with the pj obssession!
Other exciting news, probably just for us, but we are FINALLY getting a king size bed. I bought all the bedding, pillows ect for less than $100 at kohls super sale- so cheap! We are just watching the ads for a good sale on mattresses- its our xmas present to ourselves!! Our mattress is shot, i guess thats what you get nowadays, its only 8 yrs old- seems like they should last like 15 yrs, guess not. I cannot wait to jump into a comfy bed very soon!!!
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