Sunday, December 28, 2008

The day totes took over our basement

Seriously, we have one child who is 2, how can we already have 8 totes for just her???? I organized her toys and clothes this weekend, which it seems like i do every month, but anyways, I've got 2 totes full of "old" toys, and another one full of clothes. That is not even counting the totes i have full of headrests, bottle warmers, steamers, ect.. That makes 6 totes of clothes! For a 2 yr old! I could never understand why people were so eager to have rummage sales when they were done having kids, but its not a choice, its a necessity! Baby Olivia has enough clothes to change her outfit 3 times a day!! She got some cute outfits for christmas, poor thing wants some clothes of her own!!!

Otherwise, I am hoping so much tommorrow I get some sort of end date from the doctor. I know last time she said i wouldnt go past 38 weeks, due to the diabetes, i remember i had a c-section scheduled for like oct 4th, which of course by that time i had a 12 day old baby!! I just hope tommorrow she says after my ultrasound the 16th, they will schedule a c-section if the baby is 8-9lbs. I can make 2 more weeks of work (this next week doesnt count- i only work 2 days and city workers don't do much holiday weeks:-)) Otherwise, I think I will start maternity leave the 20th, we are off for mlk day. It just hurts to walk, and even sitting is not helping. She is just so low, it is constant pain. I was hoping to make it to feb 1st to be off till june 1st, but oh well if i go back may 20th. Least I'm not swollen, not that it would matter, i'm trying to stay off my feet anyways. Oh ya, and this carpal tunnel crap, really fun! I just drop stuff, my hands go completely numb. And I wanted 3 kids!!! ha!

Ryan is being very helpful, although i think he's just happy with his xmas gift from his girls, we got him a electronic dart board. He went grocery shopping for me today, even found the pine nuts I wanted- I guess I should keep it simple to be nice, right?! He's been making dinner, lunch and breakfast for us, it almost makes me want to stay pregnant, ya almost.

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