Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Xmas, puke, back pain and other fun stuff!!

I should have know when I offered to have xmas eve at my house, 8 months pregnant, things would get "interesting". Last time I had no back pain, just swollen everything, so when I never swelled up, I thought, great! i feel good - I can have a party! Ya, this sciatic nerve thing, its like a million knives shooting up and down my lower back. I could handle that, but then of course Jillian gets sick yesterday. Yup, never puked in her life, except in the car, threw up exorcist style last nite at 3am! 102 degree fever! fun fun!! Today I only had to clean the house and make food at the turtle pace I move at now, why not throw in a sick kid! Today she seems to just have stuffy nose and some "productive" gas. Thank goodness my sister is helping me out making alot of stuff, otherwise I would have definately given up this morning. So, now I will try again to get J to eat something, hopefully settle her stomach. Merry Christmas!!!!

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