Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day!!!

Yahoo, I love when the city closes!!! Of course it's on a friday when I only work a couple hours, but ill take it!! Jillian was outside "helping" daddy plow gramma's driveway, he uses his atv so she loves that. Had to drag her kicking and screaming into the house- must be her swedish roots, lovin the cold weather :-) Then, we went and visited her buddy ethan, they spent 2 hrs running around together. Can't believe soon there will be 4 kids when we get together!!!! Tommorrow she is going to a bday party with aunty and jimmy so hopefully they run her ragged and she comes home asleep:-) We are going to dinner tommorrow night for gramma's 60th bday and Jillians great-great aunt, aunty's 95th bday!!! I can't imagine being alive in 2072!!! Now another snow storm sunday??? Crazy! my boss said the city hadn't closed in like 20 yrs, and last year we closed for the storm dec 11th, now this year too, hopefully its an annual thing:-) i'm just glad i am all ready for xmas, well after tommorrow when i wrap gifts while jillian is partying!!!

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