Jillian is really laying it on thick today- 1st when I woke her up this morning she said, "momma, I love you", then just now after her bath she hugged me and said "momma, I missed you." awww, kinda makes up for when she's throwing things or screaming, kinda :-) Guess I will tell santa shes been pretty good this year!
So, yesterday we sold our bed in the morning and got our new bed in the evening!! It's like night and day, I didnt realize how bad our mattress was!! My back feels so good!
Yesterday I also had my 28 week check up , I'm offically in my 3rd trimester!!! I've gained 8 lbs, which made doctor man very happy cause he knows im watching my sugars. I'm actually measuring right on so doc said if keeps up I won't have a 9 1/2 pounder!! whoo hoo. I'm still getting a size ultrasound at 32 and 36 weeks just to check if I've got a another gigantor in me. I know i'm doing good cause my wedding ring still fits, last time i was like 4 months and that sucker was cutting off my circulation. Otherwise this doctor i had was a little strange. He told me this whole story how he is trying to impregnate a gabon at the zoo. They are our closest relatives, genitically. Don't know how I feel about getting treated by a gabon ob, but guess its ok right?!
So, people are so rude!! We had this big party at work and this lady I hadnt seen in awhile goes to me, I saw you and was like wow, Heidi sure didnt lose her baby weight! Then, some body told me you are 7 months pregnant, ha, ha. Real funny, keep your dumb stories to yourself!!!
Can you believe thanksgiving is next week??? where did this year go?!
Hi Heidi!
Good to hear your pregnancy is going well. I came across your link through LeAnne's blog. Jillian's a cutie. Jon had shown me her Christmas pic last year. Take care!
Hi!!! How are you? How is chase, he must be getting so big! they grow way to fast. You need a blog so i can see him grow!!
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