So, today i had my 38 week checkup, and i'm "making progress". I'm now an exciting 2 cm and 50% effaced. Thanks to my diligent sugar watching, i'm no longer "high risk gestational diabetes girl" so they really don't care if go to my due date, or past it. The doc thinks the baby is weighing high 8's, since im not gaining weight and measuring ok. So, i have 2 choices. I can get an amniocentesis to see if her lungs are developed and get induced next week. Or, I can let nature takes it course and wait. So, obviously we are waiting, she said i will be technically full term next sat (39 weeks) so i can get induced a week from monday if i want. But, ive heard alot of horror stories about that, so i think we will just wait. I was just worried i had a 10-11 pounder in there, but the doc said no way- hopefully she's on target!!! I can get another ultrasound 2 weeks from now, so least we will know what we are dealing with if i still haven't delivered. I just hope she doesn't come friday the 13th!!
Otherwise today was my last day of work!!! whooo hooo!!! My friend threw me a little party, it was nice, can't believe im off till june 1st!! It was so wierd to clear my desk, change my voicemail, ect... last time i went home from lunch and never went back! what a difference!
We are on an adventure, learning and growing each day! We hope you will join us when you can!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Baby Caleb
Monday, January 26, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
So today I had my 37 week doc appt. I've lost 2.5 lbs, barely measuring 1 week ahead, still 1cm dilated and the babies head is "still pretty far up there." The doctor said to me, "don't think you r having this baby this week, but the good news is this time you will have a full term baby!" I think by my evil stare and lack of words she realized I am beyond ready, so she quickly said have a good weekend, see you next Friday!! arghhh. So, pretty much this baby isn't gigantor like Jillian, and I will probably go full term. She said I will get an ultrasound next friday if I suddenly measure far ahead, ya just a pipe dream lady. I think the only good part in all of this is Ryan doing everything around here. He is my chauffeur, chef, cleaning person, grocery shopper, ect... Too bad that can't last! Well, I want one of those mothers rings when I'm done having kids, so i guess Sapphire goes better with amethyst than garnet rite?? I'm clinging to straws here people!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Attack of the Cankers
Poor Jillian, she's been battling the canker sores all week. It started last friday, we thought she was teething, drooling, fever, ect.., i figured some molars were coming in. Well, on the weekend i counted her teeth and she has them all, except the 6 yr permanant molars, so obviously she wasn't getting those. I notice all these white sores on her tongue. Cankers! So, all week its been no eating and ms crabby pants. She went with daddy and grammy to the doctor tuesday, but its just a virus so of course they won't give her anything. She said its usually heredity how you get them, so i blame aunty e :-) Poor baby, doctor said they were all down her throat! She's doing alot better today, most of them are gone, or smaller. I feel terrible, I get cold sores and they are the bane of my exsistence, i wouldn't wish them on anyone. Every big event i'm always panicking i will get one, it stinks. I hope she's not destined for that.
Otherwise, I've decided I hate the 9 month. I think if i had been pregnant last time longer than 3 days in the 9th month, we would have had just one kid. I was uncomfortable last time, but these last 2 weeks, its constant, i'm never not in pain. It sucks. And the waiting, i'm not sure why god would have the most impatient person in the world go a month early with her first child, then the 2nd not!!! Why couldnt it be reversed- now i have expectations!!!
Otherwise, I've decided I hate the 9 month. I think if i had been pregnant last time longer than 3 days in the 9th month, we would have had just one kid. I was uncomfortable last time, but these last 2 weeks, its constant, i'm never not in pain. It sucks. And the waiting, i'm not sure why god would have the most impatient person in the world go a month early with her first child, then the 2nd not!!! Why couldnt it be reversed- now i have expectations!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Aunty E!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Oh Baby O!
Baby O in 4D!!!
Today i had my 36 week ultrasound, baby O is weighing in at 8lbs, head, abdomen, legs- measuring 40 weeks!! Of course my first "little" one was 9.5lbs at 36 weeks, so i guess baby O is "smaller". I'm 1cm dilated, which may not mean much to anyone, but to me it does! When i went on tues for my 36 week checkup with jillian and i was 1 cm and that thursday my water broke and out she came (if it were that easy rite?!) So, now i totally feel like within the next week this baby is coming. Fingers crossed!!! I got the cutest shirts/onesies for the girls, Jillians is a pink t-shirt and says big sister in rhinestones, and olivia's is a pink onesie that says little sister in rhinestones. I was never so girlie and into pink, but now having girls I'm obssesed with glitter, pink and fru fru!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Out of the Blue
Did you ever want something so bad, and it didn't happen? Or were expecting nothing, and something happens? Last April, i begged and pleaded with my boss to let me go part time. We had family things going on and daycare issues. Finally in may, after i went into his office sobbing i was quitting cause Jillian spent 2 1/2 days in daycare and we just didn't want to upset her life when so much chaos was going on, he gave me 2 months at 3/4 time. So, today, I'm sitting at my desk ferociously stuffing envelopes (ha, ha more like talking to coworkers) and my boss calls me in his office. He is like close the door, I'm like uh- oh- can u fire the pregnant chick- isn't that against the law???? He says, "r u still thinking about going part time? I have a proposition for you". Apparently my jaw touching the floor clued him in i was surprised. He said a girl i work with is coming back from maternity leave and we could job share- each work 20 hrs. Or, he said he would work with us to come back for a year at 3/4 time- 30 hrs. Only catch, our insurance rates, currently i pay $0, no deductibles- i know I'm lucky. Well, part time employee family rate is , uh like $606. Ya little bit of a difference. So ryan checked his, its like $400 a month. So, I don't even know if its feasible but it is nice to have some options. I think i will take off feb- may, and come back at 30 hrs through summer at least. Unless ryan gets some big promotion or something:-)Crazy, i guess when you stop obsessing over something, it works out.
Otherwise, my back pain is so much better today, everyone at work said i "dropped" so maybe she moved off that nerve!! I'm also becoming very sappy, I keep telling Jillian she is so lucky to be getting a sister, cause i can't imagine my life without aunty E, i know i wouldn't be the same person if she'd been born an Aaron!! She's like ok Momma, can we play blocks now? Indulge mommy if you know whats good for you!!!
Otherwise, my back pain is so much better today, everyone at work said i "dropped" so maybe she moved off that nerve!! I'm also becoming very sappy, I keep telling Jillian she is so lucky to be getting a sister, cause i can't imagine my life without aunty E, i know i wouldn't be the same person if she'd been born an Aaron!! She's like ok Momma, can we play blocks now? Indulge mommy if you know whats good for you!!!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Aunt Patte
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Photographer in training
Jillian Picture
Last nite we had our girls xmas party at my house. Jillian took some pictures- pretty good for a 2 yr old!! She had a lot of fun chasing Caden around! It was a long day for mommy- I don't know what got into her yesterday- but she was into everything from 730am-till 6pm. No nap! Today its like a different kid, playing quietly, very sweet- I guess its good she picked yesterday to be naughty so today i can relax before work tommorrow!! Hopefully its my last week of work- we will find out friday at my ultrasound!!!
Jillian is VERY happy because someone is FINALLY having a girl!! Lisa is having a girl!! YEH!!! It will be so fun cause she will be just months apart from olivia!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I'm done
so, ive decided im done with being pregnant. Yup, the constant upper back pain, shooting pain down my legs, the swellings started, heartburn, really i could go on all day. So, I told baby O she can come out now. Unfortunately, she seems to be taking after my first child and not listening to me. But, i will keep asking, begging actually. Because this is my life right now; get up 3 times to go pee, go to work, stuff envelopes for 8 hours, come home, nap on and off for a few hours, eat dinner ryan makes, try to read or play a little with my kid, go to bed, and it all starts again. It is like being trapped in a gerbil cage running on that wheel. The first time was so nice, I never got to this point cause she came a month early. Now, I'm counting on going early and its torture. I'm all caught up at work, everything here is ready for baby, i even have my bag almost packed. Im ready!!!
Otherwise Jillian is doing so good w/o the ya ya, so funny how the things you worry about being so bad end up being a piece of cake. She's excited for this weekend, I'm having my friends over for our xmas party saturday so she gets to see her buddies connor and caden. Next year instead of 3 kids there will be 7!!!! Crazy!!!
Otherwise Jillian is doing so good w/o the ya ya, so funny how the things you worry about being so bad end up being a piece of cake. She's excited for this weekend, I'm having my friends over for our xmas party saturday so she gets to see her buddies connor and caden. Next year instead of 3 kids there will be 7!!!! Crazy!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Ya Ya's are so yesterday
So, day 3 of operation remove ya-ya- and we are in the free and clear!! Last night she went right to bed, didn't even ask about, didnt wake up all night. Today she even told the bagger at pick, i'm a big girl, i have no ya ya!! So i guess she even understands it, so i feel better! Last night we read her potty books about 10 times each, so i think potty training camp will be perfect to start when im off in a couple weeks. Awwww, such a big girl!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Cold Turkey
16 hrs and counting.... no ya ya!!! Now, I never minded the ya ya, it was very helpful the last 2 years. But, the last couple months, things have changed. First, she is biting them, eventually the tops break off. Second, our lives were beginning to revolve around "find the ya ya". The ya ya queen (miss jillian) would lose the ya ya, oh about 10 times a day. Panic would strike, tears would follow, and adults would be crawling around on hands and knees looking for the gold, the ya ya. I started to panic lately, imagining a peaceful scene of me feeding olivia, the sun shining in the window, and all the sudden a screaming 2 yr old runs into the room, yelling "my ya ya, my ya ya!!!" So, we have had one ya ya left for 1 week, and we've been telling her, when that's gone your done. Well, last nite, panic sets in, she can't find her ya ya before bed. I pretty much expected we would be up all night, but it wasn't so bad. About 3 times she woke up, 2 like half asleep, only once she woke up in all out hysterics. Even that lasted only 15 minutes or so. Today, she's been asking about it off and on, but we've been "redirecting" her, and she forgets about it really fast. I hope she isn't a oger at gramma barbs tomorrow. But, whoo hoo!!! If I never see one of those ya ya's again.... oh wait, we get to start all over in a few weeks!!!
Otherwise, I've been hunting for new car seats. Unfortunately, I realized mine, ryans and barbs car seats all go up to only 40 lbs. Miss J is very close to that, and so we have to upgrade. I just bought them at walmart today, $60, evenflo, free shipping to store, so she will be a little more comfortable i think in the bigger seat. I guess either way i will need 2 car seats at the same time, i'm sure olivia will be out of her infant seat in 9 months, and Jillian will still be in a car seat, so I guess it all works out. It will be so weird to have 2 car seats in our cars!!!
Otherwise, I've been hunting for new car seats. Unfortunately, I realized mine, ryans and barbs car seats all go up to only 40 lbs. Miss J is very close to that, and so we have to upgrade. I just bought them at walmart today, $60, evenflo, free shipping to store, so she will be a little more comfortable i think in the bigger seat. I guess either way i will need 2 car seats at the same time, i'm sure olivia will be out of her infant seat in 9 months, and Jillian will still be in a car seat, so I guess it all works out. It will be so weird to have 2 car seats in our cars!!!
Friday, January 2, 2009
2 yr olds are wierd
So, the last couple weeks jillian has been refusing to take a bath. I think I've given her one. Yet, she will take one no problem at gramma barbs. So, I figured it was a toddler independence thing, like you ain't gonna tell me when to wash up! Aunty even got her some dora toys, which she played with, she just took them out of her tub toy bag and into her room. So, today ryan says wanna take a bath in the big bath tub (downstairs), I thought she was gonna hyperventilate. She took a bath this morning, than after dinner tonite (which was noodles and sauce, very messy), I didn't even bother to ask. She starts yelling big bath, big bath while I'm filling the dish washer. I just dragged the prune out of her bath, after over an hour. We will see how long this lasts, but seriously, its this kind of stuff that can make you lose your mind. 1 year olds are great, they for the most part go along with what you say. But, 2 year olds! They have this mind a working and its like trying to figure out a Rubik's cube!!!!
Ready for baby O
So, I took down xmas and washed all the baby stuff (carseat, swing, snowsuit, bouncy seat, play mat, ect..) the last couple days. SO, I'm all ready for you to come baby O, like the sooner the better!!! I am ready to be able to get out of a chair on the first try again!!!
Our New Years was less than exciting, a crummy dinner and in bed by 11pm. Least we had good company:-) Jililan had fun at her sleep over party at least!
Well, that is all that is new with us over here, just chasing around after Jillian and waiting for baby!
Our New Years was less than exciting, a crummy dinner and in bed by 11pm. Least we had good company:-) Jililan had fun at her sleep over party at least!
Well, that is all that is new with us over here, just chasing around after Jillian and waiting for baby!
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