Thursday, January 22, 2009

Attack of the Cankers

Poor Jillian, she's been battling the canker sores all week. It started last friday, we thought she was teething, drooling, fever, ect.., i figured some molars were coming in. Well, on the weekend i counted her teeth and she has them all, except the 6 yr permanant molars, so obviously she wasn't getting those. I notice all these white sores on her tongue. Cankers! So, all week its been no eating and ms crabby pants. She went with daddy and grammy to the doctor tuesday, but its just a virus so of course they won't give her anything. She said its usually heredity how you get them, so i blame aunty e :-) Poor baby, doctor said they were all down her throat! She's doing alot better today, most of them are gone, or smaller. I feel terrible, I get cold sores and they are the bane of my exsistence, i wouldn't wish them on anyone. Every big event i'm always panicking i will get one, it stinks. I hope she's not destined for that.

Otherwise, I've decided I hate the 9 month. I think if i had been pregnant last time longer than 3 days in the 9th month, we would have had just one kid. I was uncomfortable last time, but these last 2 weeks, its constant, i'm never not in pain. It sucks. And the waiting, i'm not sure why god would have the most impatient person in the world go a month early with her first child, then the 2nd not!!! Why couldnt it be reversed- now i have expectations!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Came across your canker sore post on Google – I'm an R.N. wrote a report on canker sores and canker sore cause and natural treatment- but your daughter is so young I don't think she has been exposed to some of the common causes - see report - But what I was thinking is do you have celiac disease in the family? Canker sores could also be an indication if she has celiac disease- gluten intolerance-- from exposure to wheat, rye barley and other gluten grains. Just a thought. I'm a celiac disease expert too. You mentioned an aunt- maybe with celiac disease also? Helen R.N.