We are on an adventure, learning and growing each day! We hope you will join us when you can!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
My Gram

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Week 2
Sleeping Beauty
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Little Tumbler
So, lately Jillian has been doing somersaults, headstands and tripods (remember those?) on the couch non stop. So, I enrolled her at midwest twisters, the mom and tot class spring class. I figure I'm off so we can do a day class and have a little mommy one on one time. I think she is gonna have so much fun. Now we have to get a little leotard!!! Plus, it will give her some other kid socializing time, not like she is shy tho!
Its amazing to me how different Olivia is from Jillian. I never once sat up for hours with Jillian, she always ate, and than slept. I have been up from 1-3am for the last 12 days with Olivia, i hope it doesnt last long. Olivia loves the swing and the baby bjorn thing, all stuff Jillian hated. Olivia will sleep for 3 hrs in her glider crib, Jillian hated to sleep on anything but us. I guess I kinda thought since I was having another girl, they would be similar, but wow, they are totally different little beings.
Today we had picture bonanza, so you all will be getting your announcements in the mail soon. I have to say, she looks as cute as can be!!! Trying to take a picture of Olivia alone is not an easy task, someone (hmm who could that be) wants to be in every picture!!!
Its amazing to me how different Olivia is from Jillian. I never once sat up for hours with Jillian, she always ate, and than slept. I have been up from 1-3am for the last 12 days with Olivia, i hope it doesnt last long. Olivia loves the swing and the baby bjorn thing, all stuff Jillian hated. Olivia will sleep for 3 hrs in her glider crib, Jillian hated to sleep on anything but us. I guess I kinda thought since I was having another girl, they would be similar, but wow, they are totally different little beings.
Today we had picture bonanza, so you all will be getting your announcements in the mail soon. I have to say, she looks as cute as can be!!! Trying to take a picture of Olivia alone is not an easy task, someone (hmm who could that be) wants to be in every picture!!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
OK, because i am a nerd at heart, i conducted a little experiment yesterday. I pumped 5 times (every 3 hrs) and kept track of how much I pumped versus how much she ate at the five feedings. I pumped 8 oz, she ate 16 oz, know i know they eat more from a bottle, but 50% more? no way. She was like a different baby yesterday, so much less fussy, probably because she wasn't hungry!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The BF Blues
So, here are my thoughts regarding breastfeeding and me;
1. I have a big baby, a almost 11lb baby. I am convinced mother nature does not know this, and I have the same amount of milk as a woman with a 7 lb baby. Talking to friends who have breastfeed, they got 2 oz pumping at first, just like me. Only my baby doesn't eat 2 oz, she eats 3-5oz. When every other feeding is 1.5 hrs long and she is still hungry and i have to give her a couple oz of formula or pumped milk, i don't have enough milk.
2. I have a 2 kids. If Olivia was my first and only, I could spend 1.5 hours every couple hours feeding. She is not, and yesterday after the 3rd tantrum, and Jillian yelling "put that baby on the couch momma, put her down", and I'm crying, and Ryan's frustrated trying to keep Jillian happy when all she wants is me, I realized there has to be a better way. Jillian is a good girl, and 20-30mins she doesn't mind me with the baby, but over and hour- too much. I just remember what a lady at work said, if the baby and toddler are both crying, tend to the toddler first, she will remember and be the one to resent the new baby. the new baby will never remember who you went to first.
3. I know it gets better, with time and patience and all that. But, I'm only breastfeeding tops 3.5 months, I can't do it when i go back to work. So, it seems after 3 months is when it "gets good" and they feed fast and its convenient. So, I feel like I'm starving to fit into a dress I will never wear. I'm gonna suffer and struggle the next few months, and never get to the good stuff.
4. I am uncomfortable. I am not someone who can whip it out in a crowd. So, every time someone comes over, i leave the room. If she feed for 20mins fine, but leaving for over an hour, not fun. And since she isn't getting enough, i have no feed schedule, either she goes 1-2 hrs. I'm dreading visitors, which sucks.
5. I'm sick of crying, worrying, feeling guilty, ect... Jillian is (to me!) the smartest little girl ever, and she was formula fed. So, why am I torturing myself with this? She's been sick a handful of times, never on antibiotics or anything. Yesterday Jillian touched my face and said, Momma so sad, momma doesn't want to be sad anymore.
So, i'm gonna pump, it takes 15 mins, so i can do it before or after i feed her. I will probably have to pump 2 times to get enough for one bottle, but if i do it 8 times a day, thats 4 bottles, and half her daily food. Hopefully by the time ryan goes back to work in 2 weeks, i will pump enough for one bottle, and maybe as i pump and build up my supply, and i can go back to the breastfeeding. Olivia has seemed pretty easy alternating between the bottle and boob so far. Or, maybe when ryan goes back to work i stop, and be happy she got 3 weeks worth. Either way, I feel a lot better today, even on 5 hrs sleep!
1. I have a big baby, a almost 11lb baby. I am convinced mother nature does not know this, and I have the same amount of milk as a woman with a 7 lb baby. Talking to friends who have breastfeed, they got 2 oz pumping at first, just like me. Only my baby doesn't eat 2 oz, she eats 3-5oz. When every other feeding is 1.5 hrs long and she is still hungry and i have to give her a couple oz of formula or pumped milk, i don't have enough milk.
2. I have a 2 kids. If Olivia was my first and only, I could spend 1.5 hours every couple hours feeding. She is not, and yesterday after the 3rd tantrum, and Jillian yelling "put that baby on the couch momma, put her down", and I'm crying, and Ryan's frustrated trying to keep Jillian happy when all she wants is me, I realized there has to be a better way. Jillian is a good girl, and 20-30mins she doesn't mind me with the baby, but over and hour- too much. I just remember what a lady at work said, if the baby and toddler are both crying, tend to the toddler first, she will remember and be the one to resent the new baby. the new baby will never remember who you went to first.
3. I know it gets better, with time and patience and all that. But, I'm only breastfeeding tops 3.5 months, I can't do it when i go back to work. So, it seems after 3 months is when it "gets good" and they feed fast and its convenient. So, I feel like I'm starving to fit into a dress I will never wear. I'm gonna suffer and struggle the next few months, and never get to the good stuff.
4. I am uncomfortable. I am not someone who can whip it out in a crowd. So, every time someone comes over, i leave the room. If she feed for 20mins fine, but leaving for over an hour, not fun. And since she isn't getting enough, i have no feed schedule, either she goes 1-2 hrs. I'm dreading visitors, which sucks.
5. I'm sick of crying, worrying, feeling guilty, ect... Jillian is (to me!) the smartest little girl ever, and she was formula fed. So, why am I torturing myself with this? She's been sick a handful of times, never on antibiotics or anything. Yesterday Jillian touched my face and said, Momma so sad, momma doesn't want to be sad anymore.
So, i'm gonna pump, it takes 15 mins, so i can do it before or after i feed her. I will probably have to pump 2 times to get enough for one bottle, but if i do it 8 times a day, thats 4 bottles, and half her daily food. Hopefully by the time ryan goes back to work in 2 weeks, i will pump enough for one bottle, and maybe as i pump and build up my supply, and i can go back to the breastfeeding. Olivia has seemed pretty easy alternating between the bottle and boob so far. Or, maybe when ryan goes back to work i stop, and be happy she got 3 weeks worth. Either way, I feel a lot better today, even on 5 hrs sleep!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Week 1
Hello, world
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Feelin' Grateful
So, I've been complaining and so unhappy about Olivia wearing the billy blanket the last 3 days. It's also been so busy the last 3 days, visitors, doctor appts, ect... Today, we are rushing out the door to the doctor, of course Olivia half ate, i'm frazzled, we get there late. I'm checking in, and i hear this little voice say hi, hi, hi, and right away you can tell by the sound of the voice something is wrong with the little boy. I turn to look at him, and he has some sort of disability, and his mom smiles at me, and man i felt so bad. Here i'm stressed about a temporary thing, i have 2 healthy kids, I should be so grateful. Then, we go in to our appt, Olivia's levels dropped, she's off the blanket, all healthy. Down to 10lbs 3 oz, but doc said she has "some cushion room". So, it definitely made me rethink my perspective.
On the breastfeeding front, I'm having issues, so i started pumping. Olivia isn't latching on, so tomorrow i'm going to meet the breastfeeding specialist in the morning. I figure I will go see her, give it my best shot, and if it doesn't work, similac will be happy, right?!
Jillian is really in visitor detox. All day she said, momma whose coming to visit today? Aunty E came for dinner thank goodness, I'm getting the feeling me and ryan are boring? Can't imagine that?!?
On the breastfeeding front, I'm having issues, so i started pumping. Olivia isn't latching on, so tomorrow i'm going to meet the breastfeeding specialist in the morning. I figure I will go see her, give it my best shot, and if it doesn't work, similac will be happy, right?!
Jillian is really in visitor detox. All day she said, momma whose coming to visit today? Aunty E came for dinner thank goodness, I'm getting the feeling me and ryan are boring? Can't imagine that?!?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sister, Sister
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Shell Shocked, overjoyed and just a little tired..

Friday, February 13, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
And she is only 2...
This commercial comes on every day during dora, for PJ sparkles doll stuff. Everyday Jillian says I want that! I say we'll see. This morning she says, " How bout easter bunny bring me that momma?" Ok, didn't santa just come??? And how does she know about this easter bunny guy?? So funny how it goes from you opening their gifts and them not getting any of the holiday stuff, to them telling you months ahead what they want!! all in 2 years!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Cowgirls and Potty Time!!
Otherwise we had a breakthrough on the potty front!! I blame myself for the delay, back in July/Aug. she was all about potty time, and i delayed it cause we were going up north and to aunty shannons wedding and figured truck stops and traveling do not equal potty success. Well, after that she got anti-potty- we read her potty books every day over and over, and at the end it says "do u want to be a big girl too?" and she yells NO! Well, today at gramma barb's, she said i gotta go potty, sat on the big potty and went!! then, daddy came a 1/2 hr later and she said daddy i have to go potty, he took her up there and she went again!!! So funny, all the worrying when stuff will happen, and it just does. REALLY good timing tho, since i will have so much free time in the next few weeks:-) But, being miss cheapo, can't help but get excited to buy diapers for one, not 2!!!
Thanks to everyone for the good wishes about thursday, I hope I will go like Julie, maybe quicker cause its #2 rite?!?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Ok, so unless evil mother nature comes through for me in the next 2 days, baby olivia is getting induced on thurs morning. Today at the doctor, i am "making progress", just at a turtle rate. Not to say i couldnt go in labor in 5 minutes or 2 weeks, they don't know. So, i hope she comes before thurs, since i didnt have any drugs with Jillian, but tough luck baby O, if you came a month early you'd be so lucky too!!! So, wish me luck! Here's hoping the next 2 days fly by- least it will be nice out!
Friday, February 6, 2009
The baby that wouldn't come out...
I'm 99.9% sure i am carrying a baby elephant, u know they stay in the womb for like 2 years. Yup, today at my 39 week appt, i have made a little progress, but so little now induction looks like the route we will be taking. Now that gigantor is officially full term, the doctor is worried she is gaining needless weight. So, I go Monday morning, if i have made progress i can wait to see if she comes by like thurs, if none, i have to schedule the inducing for tues or wed. She is estimating the baby is 9-9 1/2lbs, but i don't believe any of them, apparently my kids are good hiders or something, cause they told me jillian was like 7.5-8lbs on a tues, and she was born that friday 9.5lbs. I was worried about inducing but she said the only risk is it wont work than i will have to have a c-section. But, in my mind right now, if i go naturally, I will go through hours of labor and unable to push gigantor out, have a csection anyways. Hopefully i will be like my friend danielle, and have it scheduled and go into labor on my own. Either way, the end is near, a week at most, so i'm happy. I think this baby is gonna be the one who drives me crazy, Jillian is just like me, fast to get mad and a yeller so i know how to deal with that. i think olivia is gonna be just like my sister, the type you yell at and they just listen. Patience and me don't mix. Hopefully i can get my butt outside tomorrow when aunty e comes over to play with jillian, maybe i can walk her out?!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tryin to beat the winter time blues
Just Driving around
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
What happens when the daddies watch them...
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