Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Little Tumbler

So, lately Jillian has been doing somersaults, headstands and tripods (remember those?) on the couch non stop. So, I enrolled her at midwest twisters, the mom and tot class spring class. I figure I'm off so we can do a day class and have a little mommy one on one time. I think she is gonna have so much fun. Now we have to get a little leotard!!! Plus, it will give her some other kid socializing time, not like she is shy tho!

Its amazing to me how different Olivia is from Jillian. I never once sat up for hours with Jillian, she always ate, and than slept. I have been up from 1-3am for the last 12 days with Olivia, i hope it doesnt last long. Olivia loves the swing and the baby bjorn thing, all stuff Jillian hated. Olivia will sleep for 3 hrs in her glider crib, Jillian hated to sleep on anything but us. I guess I kinda thought since I was having another girl, they would be similar, but wow, they are totally different little beings.

Today we had picture bonanza, so you all will be getting your announcements in the mail soon. I have to say, she looks as cute as can be!!! Trying to take a picture of Olivia alone is not an easy task, someone (hmm who could that be) wants to be in every picture!!!

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