So, I've been complaining and so unhappy about Olivia wearing the billy blanket the last 3 days. It's also been so busy the last 3 days, visitors, doctor appts, ect... Today, we are rushing out the door to the doctor, of course Olivia half ate, i'm frazzled, we get there late. I'm checking in, and i hear this little voice say hi, hi, hi, and right away you can tell by the sound of the voice something is wrong with the little boy. I turn to look at him, and he has some sort of disability, and his mom smiles at me, and man i felt so bad. Here i'm stressed about a temporary thing, i have 2 healthy kids, I should be so grateful. Then, we go in to our appt, Olivia's levels dropped, she's off the blanket, all healthy. Down to 10lbs 3 oz, but doc said she has "some cushion room". So, it definitely made me rethink my perspective.
On the breastfeeding front, I'm having issues, so i started pumping. Olivia isn't latching on, so tomorrow i'm going to meet the breastfeeding specialist in the morning. I figure I will go see her, give it my best shot, and if it doesn't work, similac will be happy, right?!
Jillian is really in visitor detox. All day she said, momma whose coming to visit today? Aunty E came for dinner thank goodness, I'm getting the feeling me and ryan are boring? Can't imagine that?!?
I totally know what you are going through with the breastfeeding, visitors, god...EVERYTHING. It all just seems like yesterday. I know you probably are a little bit overwhelmed with everything, but just so you know it does get easier with time. I still get frazzled when we are going somewhere because it's just so much more work with two, but I am able to handle it a lot better now.
Glad that Olivia is off the blanket!Take care of you and give yourself some time to adjust. It's a BIG adjustment! Congrats again, and you are blessed.
With much love,
Aunty Cindy
That's exactly how I felt when I was sad Connor had to wear the harness...after seeing all the other kids at Children's. It;s a wake up call.
I would try a nipple shield. I had to use one with Connor until he was able to latch on better. It helped alot.
Let me know if you are up for a visit on Sunday.
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