Sleeping Beauty

How to keep a 2 yr old occupied for 1/2 hr

I can't believe my baby is 2 weeks old today!! I'm scared to even say it, but we had a good sleeping nite last nite, and a schedule today. I'm sure it will change, but it was nice not to be up for 2 hrs last nite. Last nite ryan and I had dinner for 2, Jillian went to a birthday party for Aunty E's godson James, and Olivia was fast asleep. It was weird, to actually get through a conversation, not having to say, "don't feed boo, if you throw that you are done, or don't rub your hands in your hair!" She had alot of fun I heard, and came home and had to eat her cupcake, so she was up till 930pm!! ugh! So, today she "slept" in till 8am. Why any child of mine gets up at 630am every day is beyond me. This saturday is Ryan's 32nd bday!! old man! Not sure what we, or mostly he, will do, I might actually have a drink, its been a loooooong time!
Play Doh Jillian? Oh you are your Aunty Cindy's girl! :-)
I just love this sleeping baby pic! They look so much alike!
Happy Birthday Daddy! WoW! You ARE Old! LOL.
Older than dirt Aunty Cindy
Happy Birthday Ryan!!! Hope you had fun... Heidi - yours is right around the corner!!!
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