I'm still in shock that not only was my baby girl living in my belly 11lbs, but that she came out of me, minus pain meds that way!!! The inducement was very fast, but the worst pain i hope to ever feel. I got induced at 845am, felt mild contractions till 10, then they kicked in and were about 15 seconds apart. I was like 4 cm dilated, all the sudden 7, 9 and than at 1150am nurse said to start pushing here she comes. So, at least it was fast, but oh man, Jillians labor was a piece of cake compared to olivia's!! When the nurse said she was 10lbs, 15oz I almost passed out! 22 inches long! She is perfect tho, i couldnt imagine loving another as much as jillian, but i do! I'm finally feeling better today, it was a rough couple days, i think i pulled all the muscles in my body from the tension and other fun stuff! Olivia is jaundice, just like Jillian was, so we have the billy blanket on her now, hopefully tommorrow she gets off it, its so hard to breastfeed, especially at nite with this giant cord attached to her. But if thats the worst we deal with i can take. Jillian is sick now, so hopefully the baby wont catch it, great timing. Glad to be home, couldnt stop crying last nite, just seeing olivia sitting in jillians clothes and bouncy seat, and her looking so much like her, just make me realize how old jillian is. the last 2 1/2 years went so fast, to fast, I remember thinking jillian would be a baby forever. Now she is going potty too, so that confirms it, shes a big girl! I am looking forward the next 3 1/2 months with my girls, i can't wait to see them interact and grow up together!!
1 comment:
I can not wait to meet her! We miss and love you all! xoxo Kisses forever-Shannon, Kyle, and friend on the way! :)
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